Parents' and Friends'

Christmas cakes and puddings
Our Christmas cakes have once again been enormously sought after and we now down to a small number available at the Senior and Junior Campuses, the Rox Café and Tosca Browns. Grab yours before they are all gone!
The Hamilton and Alexandra College logo towels are another hot ticket item leading into summer and these are also available from both the Senior and Junior Campus, at the second-hand uniform shop or online on the College website. A fabulous Christmas present idea, these good quality towels have popped up at rowing, school camps and swimming pools already!
They will also be available to purchase at the Old Fashioned Sports on Wednesday 6 December.
Secondhand textbooks and Uniforms
We are planning to open our secondhand uniform shop over several dates in the holidays and have extended to include a secondhand textbook stall. Two tubs have been placed in the Senior School foyer for parents to place second-hand books (either to donate or sell) and we ask that parents place an envelope with their name, phone number and price of the book with each textbook so that we may sell it for you and forward any money.
Opening hours for next week:
Tuesday 5th 1pm - 2pm
Thursday 7th 5pm - 6pm
Friday 8th 10am - 12 noon
Junior School BBQ
Next week the P&F will be providing a BBQ lunch after the Old Fashioned sports for the Junior School students. We very much look forward to finishing off the school calendar in this way and invite any parents who would like to assist or stay for some lunch.
Thank you
As we very quickly race toward the conclusion of another amazing year at the school, we would like to thank each and every parent who has participated in P&F ventures this year assisting us with many fundraising and social initiatives. Every contribution, whether small comments of support or large donations of time, resources and expertise, is all appreciated immensely, and the P&F is an enormously cohesive group of parents who time after time come together to make things happen because of this.
This school has a rich history of an extremely dedicated parent body who have over the years built a great precedent for us to follow and to the parents of the past we feel enormously grateful as well. We are continuously blown away by generosity of our parents and we attribute most of our fundraising successes this year to this generosity.
Thank you again, we wish all our families a safe and restful Christmas and summer and we very much look forward to seeing you in 2024!
Amanda Nagorcka
Zoe Price
Stacey Balkin
Kate Pye