From the Principal 

- Mr Michael Horne

As we quickly run down the number of school days left until students conclude next Wednesday, I encourage you to support one of the Christmas donation drives currently running at the school. The Junior School Uniting Church Christmas Food Appeal has concluded, with our donations being delivered to the church to support those in need and help them have a more joyous Christmas. We are still collecting children’s gifts (0 – 16 years)  for Vincent St de Paul and for non-perishable food donations for the Hamilton Uniting Church, which can be left under the Christmas tree at the Senior School reception, and the Boarding House is also running a collection box for Tinnies for Vinnies (tinned foods for St Vincent de Paul).


We are fortunate in so many ways to live and study where we do – the vast majority of us in comfort and safety, with more than we need. At a moment to pause and reflect on the year and on our blessings, I encourage you to support these charity drives this Christmas. My thanks to all students who have been involved in coordinating these efforts.  


There won't be a newsletter next week.  The final edition for 2023 will be sent on Thursday 14 December.