Wellbeing at TPS

Transition from 2023 to 2024

Hi families,


As I type this, I find it hard to believe that we’re already at the point of discussing end of year transitions!


Change is often challenging for us as humans, but it can also be an exciting time and signal fresh beginnings. With the end of the year around the corner, I am hearing increased talk between our students about 2024. I’ve also had many discussions with parents about how they can best support their child’s transition from 2023 to 2024, so I thought I’d summarise some of these conversations I’m having in case they are of use to you and your child/ren.


Some of the points I’ve discussed with parents recently:


  • Don’t avoid the truth, students will be transitioning to a new year level in 2024. 
  • Listen to how your child/ren is feeling and acknowledge this.
  • Acknowledge how your child/ren is feeling but don’t feel the need to mimic their emotions. Keep your emotions positive and enthusiastic. 
  • If your child/ren lists worries, hear them! 
  • Remind that change pushes us out of our comfort zone, and this is where we can grow and develop new skills.
  • Change means opportunities to get to know new people, build new friendships, work with teachers we may not have had before and have new learning experiences. 
  • Whilst it may feel like there is a lot of change, there is still a lot that will remain the SAME. 
  • Bell times, class morning message, literacy and numeracy hours, specialist classes and nearly all the faces around school will remain the same (with a few exciting new additions!).


By acknowledging how your child/ren is feeling, remaining positive and reminding them that 2024 will bring new opportunities and experiences, you can support your child through this time and ensure the last few weeks of 2023 are as settled as possible. 


If you have any further questions or feel that you’d like to discuss how your child/ren is coping through the transition process, feel free to contact me.


Speak soon,

