School News

Mr Irwin's Message




Hello families and welcome to this week’s newsletter,

Problem Solving Wheel of Choice


In my morning message for the past two weeks our values have been resilience, in particular teaching students strategies to use from the problem-solving wheel of choice. We have noticed across the school students are needing support to find alternatives to retaliating with actions or words in challenging situations. 


The problem-solving wheel of choice normalises simple strategies students can use to help in challenging situations. Some strategies encourage students to ensure they have clearly articulated what they are wanting to occur in a situation or explain to others how they are feeling. Others encourage a group to work collaboratively to work on fixing a problem. 


Some situations will need the help of an adult after trying some wheel of choice strategies, or adult assistance may be required right away if a situation is particularly unsafe. 


Finally, having Apologising on the wheel of choice to support students understanding that acknowledging mistakes and taking responsibility for their own actions by identifying their impact on others can be an important part of moving forward.


Our school leaders have ‘Teesdaled’ the wheel of choice for our use at school. You may wish to print it out and use it for discussion at home, or even have a common language for supporting children and managing their conflict at home too. 

Parent Payments

In this week’s newsletter you’ll find attached information for Parent Payments including book pack lists and our Parent Payment Policy. If you do not wish a book pack to be ordered for your child please advise the office as soon as possible. The window for payments commences from the 1st of January and families are able to use their existing BPay biller code to arrange this. We are extremely grateful and value each contribution we get from our families as it does support not only the provision of classroom equipment for students on book lists but allows us to allocate funds to other areas too. Please review the book pack lists and pop a reminder in your phone for a January payment!


Teesdale Wonderland


Finally, I have placed a copy of our Teesdale Wonderland lyrics for families interested in rehearsing this at home ahead of our performances at the Christmas Twilight market. Students created this version of Winter Wonderland last year and have begun practicing this along with a few other songs in their Performing Arts discoveries. On the night students will have the opportunity to join in and perform these songs at the market. Last year was the strongest contingent of students performing we have ever had, and it would be terrific to see this grow even further again to send off the 2023 school year!




Bye for Now  

Sam Irwin 

OSH News

For the latest news from Community OSH, please download the attached newsletter. 

Book Club - Christmas Issue Out Now

A reminder to families, all Book Club orders must be placed online via LOOP which is the Linked Online Ordering and Payment platform for Parents. Orders are due by Sunday 26th November at 5pm. 


Click here for the Scholastic Book Club Parent Log in page or to register for new users.


How to order 

Click on ORDER in the top menu or REGISTER first to save your details for the first time.  Select Teesdale PS and your child’s class.  Add your child’s name and last initial. Enter the item number from the brochure. 

You can order for multiple children at once. All orders are linked directly to the school.  


Our school receives bonus points, which are redeemed for a variety of books for the children therefore we thank you for your continued support.


If parents wish to collect orders personally from the office, please let the school know.


Please go to and find Teesdale Primary School to order or alternatively you can download the LOOP app via the App Store or Google Play.





World Supercross Event

Ryder has been selected to compete at the World Supercross Event at Marvel Stadium in the YZ65 Cup on Saturday 25th November. This major event has pro riders competing from around the world and they hold a junior's race before the main event which Ryder is competing in. The kids even have their own posters made up for them to sign for “fans” just like the pro riders. We wish Ryder all the best for this very exciting opportunity.

Support Learning With Healthy Lunch Options

For further information go to: Healthy lunchboxes | Healthy Eating Advisory Service