Community Notices

Player Registration Fee: $50 (includes uniform, training sessions, presentation night, event costs & donation to TS4A)
Women (mums) of SEPS it’s time to dust off your Netball shoes as we need you!
After a successful first outing in 2022, this year’s Netball Tournament is gearing up to be bigger & better.
- A new name - Clash of the Courts
- The addition of 3 new schools brings it to 5 schools in total - Sacred Heart, Sandy East, Black Rock PS, Sandy PS and St James Gardenvale
- Lots more fun, family-friendly engagement opportunities
- All while raising much-needed funds for TeamSports4All (
When: Sunday 19 November @ 2pm
Where: Sandringham & District Netball Assoc. (219 Thomas Street, Hampton)
We also need a support crew to help on the day - coaches, team managers, scorers, umpires, general support staff
Player and Support crew Register HERE:
Keep up to date via Instagram @clashofthecourts
If you love mangoes, here’s your chance to indulge in fresh juicy Bowen mangoes (Kensington Pride) and support our fundraising drive.Due to an unusually warm QLD winter, mangoes are expected to be in short supply, but we have mango-ificent news.
SEPS - Mango Fund Raiser
SEPS is selling mangoes for delivery straight from the farm to us in December. They are packed in a single layer tray, with approximately 4.5kg of Mangoes per tray. Cost per Tray is: $27.00
Delivery will be Early-Mid December 2023 - Collection details tba.
Orders close 2 pm Tuesday 24th October
Please order via the Trybooking link
Bay Road - Crossing Lady Julie Retires after 6 Years
Community Notices