Principal's Report
Dear Families,
Welcome to our Curriculum Newsletter for Term 4. Please take some time to read over the forthcoming learning that your child/children will be involved in, this coming term.
Special congratulations to Zac Dillion in year 6 for his efforts in the regional athletics. Zac came first in the long jump and is now off to state level. We all wish Zac every success!!
The official World Teachers Day date is Friday 27th October however we will be celebrating at our school on the Thursday 26th of October. The theme is Hats off To Teachers. We invite all our parents/carers to celebrate our teachers on World Teachers Day and acknowledge them for their efforts, care and work in providing a safe and secure environment for our children to learn and grow their special talents.
This term we are welcoming back to our school Ms Daniela Vranesic who was our prep/foundation teacher in 2022. Daniella took some leave to teach in Japan and is now refreshed and ready to take on the rewards of teaching at Kismet Park Primary School. Currently Daniela is relieving teachers who are absent at our school and will return next year in full time capacity.
Mrs Cassie Cunningham is back off Family Leave and with us two days a week, for Term 4. Cassie will support Mrs Mel Pentecost with our Tutor Learning Initiative. This means that we will have four days of support for our students. Mrs Pentecost will continue to work with our year 3/4 students and Mrs Cunningham will work with our year 2 students. The focus will remain on mathematics, place value.
We have begun the process of forward planning and looking at grade structures, numbers and staffing for the 2024 school year. In doing so I invite all parent/carers who know their child/children will NOT be returning to our school please phone our office by Friday November 3rd, on 9744 - 4566 and let us know please. This will assist us with plans for our grades and staffing profile.
As we begin to plan for our 2024 classes there is an opportunity for parents/carers to provide us with any additional information that we may not be aware of that may affect your child's class placement next year. This needs to be provided in writing and forwarded directly to my email address at with subject header ATTENTION KATHY by Friday November 3rd. Please note that any emails that come through after the 3rd of November date will not be considered due to the flow on effect that late changes will have on our process.
Please note that this is not a teacher/class selection process but an opportunity to provide us with information that may assist with your child's social and academic groupings. Please note that whilst all information will be carefully considered case by case, we cannot guarantee that all requests will be met.
I am thanking all in our community in advance as we work through our grade structures, student numbers and staffing profile for the 2024 school year.
Warmest Regards,
Kathy Cvitkovic
‘Building the foundations for success and happiness’.