
In Term 4, students will learn to greet each other using Auslan. They will build on their knowledge of fingerspelling by learning the days of the week, as well as looking at the signs for weather and the seasons. They will finish the year by learning signs for food and drinks. Students will learn how to use these signs through role play, games and song. The range of signs taught at each level will be different, but the subject matter will stay the same across the school. I am aiming to encourage the signing that is happening at home between siblings, and the conversations occurring in the yard across year levels.
Performing Arts
In Term 4, students will revisit all three areas of Performing Arts including Drama, Music and Dance. The aim is to refine and consolidate skills learned earlier in the year with a focus on developing greater confidence in all performance areas. Drama lessons will include mime, characterisation, exploring emotions, imaginative thinking and role plays. Music lessons will revisit beat, pitch, simple rhythm patterns with the use of instruments, body percussion and singing. During Dance lessons, students will continue to explore fundamental locomotor (such as skipping, leaping and galloping) and non-locomotor movements (such as turning, twisting and stretching). Throughout the term, students will continue to develop listening skills, teamwork, self expression and respect for their classmates as they engage as performers and active audience members when sharing performances.
Visual Arts
In Term 4, students will create 2D and 3D artworks while developing their skills in printmaking and construction. They will learn how to make monoprints with gelli printing plates, using a range of tools and materials to create lines, textures and patterns. Students will view and discuss the illustrations of Dr. Seuss with a particular focus on his use of unusual, organic shapes. Various paper and foam construction skills will be developed while students make their own Seuss-inspired ‘Whoville House’. Toward the end of term, Level 1 and 2 will make a yarn-wrapped Christmas tree and contribute an ornament to a whole-school Christmas tree display.
In Term 4, students will continue to focus on refining and consolidating running, dodging and sequenced movement skills with correct action, accuracy and a variety of speeds. Through fitness activity and games, they will engage in moderate to vigorous activities. Students will also explain the contribution rules and procedures make to the safe conduct of games and activities and will apply these in games. Students will also concentrate on skills specific to European Handball, Rugby League (Touch Football), and modified athletics games (Captain Ball and Tunnel Ball). The development of sportsmanship and School Values will be a main focus throughout the term.