Robot Buddies
This term the level 1 and 2 students will work to design and build a robot using craft materials. They will learn about the properties of different materials and consider which materials they should use to build their robot. The students will practise striving for accuracy as they design and build new objects and write instructions for others to follow. They will practise thinking creatively and imaginatively throughout the term.
These are the types of questions and processes that they students will be presented with, and addressing during this term.
- Writing and following instructions
- Programming and robots
- The properties of different materials
- Designing and building new objects
Essential Questions
- How can I write clear instructions?
- What are the properties of different materials?
- How can I design and build new objects?
Learning about the design process encourages children to consider how they use objects in our lives and how they can select materials to design and build new objects.