The students continued to impress us with their mathematical thinking, talking and problem solving in Term 3. This term, we will continue to further explore a range of problem solving tasks using a range of different strategies. There will also be opportunities for classes to revise previous learning throughout the year. This will help ensure concepts are embedded for students. These concepts will be revised and taught through games, hands on learning and real life problems.
This term, the Level 1/2 students will be covering the following topics:
Number & Algebra
Place value
- Work towards being able to read, write and order numbers.
- Work towards being able count forwards and backwards from 0 and any starting point.
- Being able to understand the value of each digit in a number, e.g., 356 has 3 hundreds, 5 tens and 6 ones
- To know that 10 ones make 1 ten, and 10 tens make 1 hundred.
- To continue to build a deep understanding and fluency with students place value knowledge
Addition and Subtraction
- Use a range of mental strategies such as counting on, partitioning and rearranging parts through various games and activities.
- Addition Strategies - Students will choose from a range of strategies to support them such as, Friends of 10/ Bridging to 10- Think Big, Count Small, Doubles- Near Doubles, Number Lines, Jump Strategy and Partitioning.
- Subtraction Strategies - Students will choose from a range of strategies to support them such as,Friends of 10, Number Line, Jump Strategy on Number Line and Split Strategy.
- Connection between Addition and Subtraction - Understand that addition and subtraction link for example 8+7=15 and therefore 15-7=8
Number Sequences
- Describe number patterns using skip counting, and solving problems with repetition.
Measurement and Geometry
- Duration
Volume & Capacity
- measure capacity and volume using informal units
- comparing volume and capacity to estimate which is larger
- developing an understanding for what the terms volume and capacity mean
- Mapping
2D and 3D Shapes
Problem solving
- Continue to explore and solve challenging maths problems using a variety of strategies:
- Guess and Check
- Drawing a diagram
- Making a table
- Finding a pattern