Forest School 

A prickly visitor to Middle Gully! The grade 5/6 students were thrilled on Wednesday afternoon when they spotted an echidna over at Middle Gully during Forest School.


Being in the spring sunshine exploring the Middle Gully bushland is always the highlight of my week. I love observing the way each child interacts with nature so differently from the next. This week I observed so much wonderful play and investigation! Children worked in teams to design water systems in the mud pit, revised their knife skills for whittling, designed games in nature spaces, worked their muscles in competitive soccer games, explored the changing environment of the dam, cooked amazing cakes and soups in the sandpit, and even created a spa for tired hands and feet with calming sand and Australian Botanicals!


I am always looking for adult company during our sessions, additional adults onsite allow us to take part in special activities such as fire lighting and dam visits. Please contact me by email if you can join us: