Principal's Report
Welcome back everyone!
It is great to see all students have come back excited for the last term of school and ready to continue their learning.
This term is another busy one with many exciting things happening. From our new Foundation students spending time with us in our transition program, to our Year 6 students preparing for their transition to secondary school.
Over the next two weeks we have the Year 6’s heading to the Urban Camp in Melbourne and the Year 4’s to Cave Hill Creek Camp in Beaufort. All the students and staff are very excited and lots of preparation has gone into ensuring everyone has a great time away. A big thank you to Mr. Firth and Mr. Curtis for the work they have put in to get these camps organised.
Last Saturday night, we had our Bogan Bingo Fundraiser. All who attended had a great time. A special mention to Mrs McLean and the fundraising team for organising the event. Don’t forget the Fundraising Committe is also hosting a Parma Night tonight at Lake View Hotel. All details are in this newsletter.
This term our Year 5/6 and Foundation students will be participating in the swimming program every Tuesday afternoon. Please remember to have all swimming items labelled.
This Saturday we will be hosting the polling booths for the Referendum. There will be a BBQ and coffee van here from 10am - 2pm. Thank you to the staff and parents who have offered to volunteer their time to work behind the BBQ on the day, we appreciate their support.
Have great fortnight.
Acting Principal