Middle School Report

Ms Michelle Collins

Message from the 

Director of  Learning - Middle School

Ms Michelle Collins

Welcome back to Term 4!


We're heading into the final few weeks of the school year and whilst it is a long final term at 12 weeks, we want to make sure our students finish the year strong! Maintain those good habits, remember all the hard work you have put it in this year, and keep your focus on the finish line – you are nearly there! Make sure to keep taking care of yourself by eating well, getting a good amount of sleep, and moving your body.   


Did you know that young people who regularly attend school and complete Year 12 or an equivalent qualification have better health outcomes, better employment outcomes, and higher incomes across their lives? Every day counts when it comes to attendance at school and we want to see our students as much as possible to ensure that they are getting the best possible outcomes. We all want our students to get a great education, and the building blocks for a great education begin with students coming to school each and every day. Please encourage your child to attend every day and if you are having attendance issues with your child, we’re here to help. Please contact your child’s YLC to see how we can support you in improving their attendance.


A reminder that our Headstart program will be commencing in Week 9 (27th November) and students will begin their new classes. Current Year 9 students will transition into their Year 10 timetable and current Year 10 students will transition to the Senior School and begin their Year 11 VCE studies. Students will be informed of the Senior School policies during Headstart however, it is important that parents and guardians are aware that some policies will change as there are stricter requirements in the VCE program. All absences in Senior School will require a medical certificate or statutory declaration and students must attend 90% of their classes in each subject. For further information, please see the Senior School newsletter.


Every day counts so let’s all work together and finish the year strong – you’ve got this!

Year 10 Exams

Year 10 students will be undertaking exams on Tuesday 21st and Wednesday 22nd November. Regular classes on these days will be cancelled and students will sit a total of four exams over the two day period. Please note that students will be dismissed from school at 1:10pm on Wednesday 21st November after their final exam. 


For most students, this will be the first time they have sat a formal exam. It is important that students prepare thoroughly and seek assistance from their teachers as needed. We understand that exams can be stressful but being prepared is key. Be organised, start preparing early, and take regular breaks from study. Attached are some helpful tips on how parents and guardians can support teenagers through the exam period. 

Skyline Scholarship Program

On behalf of the middle years school community, we would like to acknowledge and congratulate two of our Year 10 students, Hannah Calpatura and Louise Jean Espino, who have been accepted into the 2023-2024 Skyline Program. Hannah and Louise both demonstrated their determination and problem solving skills throughout the rigorous application process. The two-year Skyline Program is a unique student-centred program designed to support high ability, gifted and academically talented young people to reach their full potential by supporting them to remain at school, undertake their VCE, and then transition to tertiary education or their career of choice. Well done. 

Meet the Teachers

Year 10 students will be sitting exams for the first time in a few weeks. We asked our teachers for their number one tip to prepare for an exam.


I never do the revision up until the last minute, make sure to take a good rest the day before the exam. – Mr Ji


Practice, practice, practice (well in advance). – Ms Moore


It is super important to revise for exams, but also balance this with some downtime. You will benefit from getting fresh air, exercise, and short breaks. – Ms Tomkins 


Remember that exam results don’t define who you are or the rest of your life. Just give it your best shot! – Ms Collins


Ms Michelle Collins

Director of Learning, Middle School 


Sports Class on 19 October 

For our sport class on the 19th of October, our year 9 class got to learn about and participate in wheelchair sports. It was a very fun experience for a lot of us and I would love to do it again. I want to say a big thank you to Peter for sharing his story as a paralympic powerlifter. It surely inspired me to never give up on my dreams and push through any obstacles in the way.

Christos Kottis, Year 9

Sleep Excursion 

Our Year 9/10 elective class, "How the Mind and Body Function," recently visited a sleep lab to explore the science of sleep. Students learned about sleep cycles, different sleep stages, and the significance of a good night's rest. During the trip, one student volunteered to have their sleep monitored with an EEG, providing a first hand look at their brainwaves during sleep. This practical experience enhanced our understanding of the importance of sleep and the complex relationship between the mind and body.

Mr Luciano Murray 

Year 7 Coordinator