Assistant Principal (Years 10-12) Report 

Mr Jason Tickner

Report from Assistant Principal Jason Tickner

We are now approaching the half-way mark in Term 4, which is moving very quickly. Our Yr12 VCE mainstream students have now completed the second week of their VCAA exams. I wish them all the very best for their remaining exams, and for their VCE results which are available on Monday 11th of December.


Information on how to access VCE results can be found here. Our VCE Vocational Major (VM) students have also completed the requirements of their senior certificate. An incredibly exciting time for these students as they move into employment, apprenticeships, or further training in the vocational sector. On behalf of our school community, I wish all our Year12 students the very best for the future and can’t wait to hear the success stories over the coming months, as they transition to life outside of school. 


I want to also acknowledge all teachers at Westall that have taught these students over the years, guiding and assist their development as learners and as people. Recognition must also go to Ms. Anna Papagiannopoulos (Director of Learning - Senior School) and Mr. Travis McIntosh (VM Coordinator), for their hard work and dedication in leading these students through their final year of schooling.

Semester Reports and Awards Assembly

In year 7-9 students are busily preparing or completing their final CATs for this Semester. Similarly, our Year 10 and Year 11 students are completing their finals CATs and SACs/SATs respectively. Prior to our HeadStart period, our Year 10 and 11 students will also sit end of year examinations. This is not only great practice for Y12 exams, but also provides students with a challenge to see where their subject knowledge and skills progress is, in each of their subjects. Parents should make sure that you talk to your child about the importance of preparing well for these upcoming exams. More information about these exams will also be in the senior and middle school sections of this newsletter.


In the coming weeks, teachers will begin preparing feedback via Semester 2 Reports, which will be made available on Compass on Monday the 18th of December. A reminder that the semester report provides an indication of the Learning Behaviours demonstrated by your child in the second half of the year, as well as a summary of the Learning Task grades; detailed feedback on assessments is available in the individual learning tasks in Compass.


Our Semester 2 Awards Assembly will once again be conducted in our Sports Gym this year in Wk8 of this term. Students across Years 7-11 will receive subjects’ awards for Academic Excellence and Personal Best in each of their subjects. Additionally, there will be a select group of students that will receive special awards across curricular and co-curricular areas. Students who will be receiving awards will be notified well in advance by their sub-schools. This will provide parents with an opportunity to attend so please mark this date on your calendar - Thursday 23rd of November, commencing at 10:15am.  


2024 Re-enrolment 

Re-enrolment for all students returning to Westall SC in 2024 will be an online process. Families will receive an email in the next three weeks, which will contain information and instructions that need to be urgently actioned. Email attachments will include current enrolment details, which must be fully checked, and updated as needed, and returned via email or as a hard copy to the office.   


Also attached will be the following documents:

  • Parent Payment Policy
  • Enrolment pack
  • BYOD guidelines
  • Booklist

On the 2024 booklists, you will notice a section titled 'Required by All Students' at the very top of each year-level list of textbooks - this is to provide families with a clear understanding of the basic items all students need to ensure they are able to participate in activities, engage in their learning, and experience success in the classroom. All these items will be available to purchase individually on the Campion website; to make this a little easier and to support families, the 'Required by All Students' items will be available to purchase as a pack, from the school, at a much-reduced cost. Families are encouraged to take advantage of this option.


If you have any questions regarding the process or need clarification on the instructions, please contact the office at 9546 3233. If your child will not be returning to Westall next year, a letter must be forwarded to the appropriate sub-school as soon as possible.


Jason Tickner

Assistant Principal (Years 10-12)