Vermont Secondary College
Vermont Secondary College
School Refusal and Avoidance
· Are you having trouble getting your young person to come to school?
· Is it hard to work out whether your son/daughter/young person is sick, anxious or just doesn’t feel good being at school?
· Is your son or daughter contacting you during the day from school wanting to come home early?
Vermont Secondary College in conjunction with Dianne Mawbry and School Focused Youth Services are running an information night for parents of VSC around school attendance and school refusal.
Dianne will speak about how to support your young person with their anxiety around school, how to talk with your son/daughter/young person about their worries and how to support them to be at school.
Dianne Mawbry is a child and adolescent psychologist who has extensive working with young people and their families, particularly around school refusal, attendance, anxiety and mental health.
When: 18th of October at 6.30 to 7.30
Where: Fallon Centre at VSC
Cost: Free Please click here to register: https://compasstix.com/e/l265gn0bij
Please contact Leesa Moar in the Well Being team for my information on 88726300 or moarl@vermontsc.vic.edu.au
School Focused Youth Services, a program funded by the Department of Education and Training.