Auslan News

Did you know that within the heart of Melbourne, the ‘Tradeblock Café’ can be found nestled beside the Victorian College for the Deaf? 


This establishment offers senior deaf students a unique opportunity to acquire practical experience in the realm of hospitality, catering to a diverse clientele on weekdays during the school terms. 


Just be aware that this café does not operate on weekends, Mondays or school holidays.


The food is seriously delicious and worth trying out!  


This also provides invaluable opportunity to interact with the deaf staff who communicate using Auslan which would further enrich your cultural awareness and language. If you’re unfamiliar with the signs, there are many other ways to communicate with deaf staff such as pointing at the menu, writing your order on paper or alternatively, ask the Auslan teacher to show you some of the signs  :-D


You can find out more about this café using this link:




What is the Auslan sign for coffee?

Form a sideways C shape with pointer finger and thumb and tilt towards mouth.