Junior School News 

Year 3 to Year 6

Junior School Update

Dear Parents and Carers


Welcome back to Term 4, 2023! 

We hope you had a fantastic time with your loved ones during the school holidays. Now, it's time to dive into a whirlwind of fun and important events! And yes, before we know it, Christmas will be knocking on our doors!


Year 6: Confirmation Retreat and Celebration


Our Year 6 students are in full swing, gearing up for the Year 6 Confirmation Retreat happening at the end of this week. It's a transformative experience for them, and we're all looking forward to the formal Confirmation celebration on Sunday, 29th October. These young leaders are on the cusp of an exciting journey as they prepare for the end of their Primary School adventure.



Year 5: Preparing for Leadership

Year 5 students are ready to embark on their journey toward 2024 Year 6 Leadership positions, including the House Captain roles. They're diving headfirst into public speaking and honing their speech-writing skills. It's a thrilling time for them, and we can't wait to see their enthusiasm in action. Stay tuned for updates on the voting process – all Junior School students are eager to participate!


Years 3 and 4: Action-Packed Fun

Our Year 3 and 4 students are bubbling with excitement for the numerous events lined up on our College Calendar. Some highlights include:

  • Year 3 Assembly: Get ready to be dazzled by our Year 3 students as they take the stage for their assembly. It's bound to be a showcase of talent and creativity.
  • Interschool Carnival: The Track, Field and Team events for the interschool carnival are approaching fast! Our athletes-in-the-making are ready to give it their all and can't wait to show off their sportsmanship.
  • Crazy Sock Day: Week 3 will be an explosion of colours and creativity as we celebrate Crazy Sock Day. Encourage your child's imagination and sock-styling skills, because this is an event where uniqueness shines!

As we venture into Term 4, we're excited about the journey ahead. If you ever have any questions or need information, please don't hesitate to reach out. We're here to support your child's growth and ensure this term is filled with joy and memorable experiences.


Let's make this term in Junior School a memorable one!


Mrs Christine Pitman

Head of Junior School (Year 3 to Year 6)