Early Years News

Pre-K to Year 2

The Early Years

Last Term, the Kindergarten children were very lucky to be visited by Natasha from the Byford Library. She shared some great information about what is available at the library, read an exciting story and best of all, gave everyone a special gift! 


Every Kindergarten child received a ‘Better Beginnings’ bag, full of activities and a picture book to keep! Thank you to Natasha, the Byford Library and the Better Beginnings team for this wonderful resource. 


Welcome Back!

Welcome back to Term Four! I hope all our families had a fantastic break with plenty of opportunity to spend quality time together. Speaking with the children across all year levels, I have heard wonderful stories of adventures to the beach, Scitech, picnics and the zoo. It was lovely to see the excitement of the children seeing their friends upon returning to school, and the bonds between them continuing to flourish throughout the week.


This Term will be busy for all of our students and teachers. I would like to thank you for the ongoing support in joining in with parent helper opportunities and I look forward to seeing you at the upcoming school events. Please remember to regularly check the Term Planner so you are aware of what is happening at Salvado Catholic College.


Mrs Lisa Ripley

Head of Early Years (Pre-Kindergarten to Year 2)