A Message from the Principal

Welcome back to all of our families for Term Four and welcome to the new families joining the Salvado Catholic College Community. We have new families joining us in Kindergarten and Year Four. For those of you who have been into the College this week, you will notice significant progress on our that Stage 4 (Student Services) building which is on track to be ready for the start of the 2024 school year. 


School Climate Survey 

Early in Term Three, we asked parents/caregivers to complete the NSI Partnerships Parent and Caregiver Survey. Overall, there was some wonderfully positive data. It was particularly affirming to see such an increase in parent engagement. We had 59 parents/caregivers respond in 2021 and 128 respond in 2023. In addition to this wonderful increase in participation, we can see in our parent/caregiver progress report that parents and caregivers are reporting higher levels of satisfaction in the following domains; Engaging Environment, Satisfaction with Child's Progress, Welcoming School, Communication and Assessment and Feedback. I was particularly impressed with the improvements to Assessment and Feedback, which is now reporting as an area of strength. 


Welcoming School

Thank you to the parents/caregivers who took the time to provide feedback to the College via the survey. Data gathered from this survey along with the student and staff surveys will be used to inform the College's school improvement planning. 


Standalone Bushfire Plan

A key component of the College's emergency management procedures and guidelines is our Standalone Bushfire Plan which can be found here on the College website. The Standalone Bushfire Plan (BP) has been prepared for Salvado Catholic College by Bushfire Prone Planning Group Pty Ltd and is developed to assist staff to prepare for total fire-ban days, extreme to catastrophic fire danger ratings, or bushfire events in proximity to the College site. Catholic Education WA, in concurrence with the Department of Education, and the Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES) may decide, where appropriate warning is given, to close Colleges/Schools deemed to be at high risk in areas for which a Catastrophic Fire Danger Rating (FDR) has been forecast (CatastrophicEvent/Weather Warning). The intent of a planned closure is to ensure maximum safety and minimum risk for students and staff. The preparation of this Plan has been developed in accordance with the CEWA Crisis Management Planning in Catholic Schools and the Principal’s Guide to Bushfire with input from the CEWA. 


A building within the College site has been identified and is nominated as the Safer Building Location. All reasonable mitigation strategies are implemented to ensure the building is being prepared for a bushfire emergency, which will accommodate all persons normally at the College. The ‘Safer Building Location’ for the College is the Secondary Science & Design Block. 


Staffing News

Ms Kassandra Buckley will be finishing up at Salavdo on Friday 13 October. Ms Buckley has been working in Kindy Red three days per week, Year One on Mondays and Year Three on Thursdays. We thank Ms Buckley for her wonderful contributions to the College during her time at Salvado. 


Mrs Tayla Bell will be joining the College staff commencing Tuesday 17 October working in Kindy Red and Mrs Sharon Thomas (current staff member) will be working in Year One on Mondays. We welcome Mrs Bell to the staff of Salvado Catholic College. 


Peace & Goodness to all,

Ian Hagen
