Uniform Shop

Uniform Fittings 

Current Year 2 and Year 6 students 

In preparation for the new school year (2024), please note the following times the Uniform Shop will be open to allow our current Year 2 and Year 6 students to try on uniform sizes.

Kindly note that the Uniform Shop will only allow trying on for sizing only during this time. No payments will be taken. To purchase, visit QuickCliq.

  • Monday 13 November to Thursday 16 November
    • 8:15am - 8:40am
    • 3:00pm - 3:30pm

NEW 2024 Students

The following dates are for new 2024 students to try on uniform for sizes. The Uniform Shop will be open between 3:30pm and 5pm on these dates:

  • Monday 20 November
  • Wednesday 22 November
  • Tuesday 28 November
  • Thursday 30 November

Uniform Shop Hours (Term Time)

If needing to try on items, the Uniform Shop is open during Term time, in the Covered Assembly Space on:

  •  Tuesdays between 3:00pm-3:30pm and
  •  Thursdays between 8:10am-8:30am 

There are eftpos facilities available at the College.

Uniform Shop orders are to be made using the QuickCliq system. Orders are processed on a Tuesday and a Thursday from 8:30am. Orders received after this time will be processed on the next Uniform Shop day.


Orders from Primary School students are delivered to their Learning Spaces.

Secondary School students who have placed orders, will need to collect them from the Kaadadjiny Hub after 12pm on the day the orders are processed.