Student Awards

Congratulations to all of our hard working students!

Shepherd Shoutouts to the following students of the week. 18/10/24

PREP A - Mrs G


Emilia - For your constant dedication to improving your writing skills! I can’t wait to read your next writing piece. You’re a superstar!

PREP B - Mrs Sanderson


Marlie R - for amazing sounding out during reading. Well done Marlie on using great reading strategies!
1A - Mrs McNamaraJulian A - For being a fantastic tour guide on our excursion! You helped the Grade 1s make their way around the Botanical Gardens sharing facts along the way! Great work!

1B - Miss Katie


Jacob A - For your incredible persistence and determination to continuously improve your writing skills! Keep up the hard work Jacob!

2A - Mr Montesano & 

        Mrs Hopper


Lilybel - For showing full body listening and for being a persistent hard worker and always giving 100% to every task. Keep it up superstar!
2B - Miss MihocicHarry P - For your amazing resilience and persisting within learning! You made a wonderful effort to join into all of your learning! 
3B - Miss LapentaMilla K- For participating in class discussions and sharing your ideas. You always seek clarification on work tasks to ensure you achieve your best level of learning. Well Done Milla!
3A - Mrs Iuele & Mrs  MatzarisNaomi S -For enthusiastically presenting her holiday photos and captivating us with her amazing experiences in Sri Lanka. Thank you for sharing!
4A - Ms KellyAva J - For helping your peers and showing kindness in class and on the yard. Well done Ava! 
4B - Mrs TasevskiLuca C- For his outstanding effort with his writing.  His  inclusion of subordinate conjunctions to create complex sentences is exemplary. 
5A - Mrs CareyMatteo M - For making great efforts to complete tasks after being absent
5B - Mrs John

Liam M - For displaying the Habit of Mind ”Striving for Accuracy” while summarising a non fiction text. Well done, Liam!


Rouzah Kt - For writing a succinct summary about the Venus Fly Trap. Well done, Rouzah!

6A - Mrs AndersonJoel C for his consistent participation in class discussions and his wonderful manners towards everyone he interacts with. Well done Superstar! Your contributions and kindness make a positive impact in our classroom.
6B - Miss LeeChloe H - For being so focused with your learning this week. Well done!

P.E - Mr P - Years 3-6

P.E - Mrs Dalton - Year Prep-2 

Zac Voight - For always having a positive attitude in PE and giving his very best. Well done 


Isla W - for always trying her very best,  showing enthusiasm and great leadership during PE sessions. Well done.

Italian - Mrs ZaffinaGeorge G (5A) - for working so hard to learn how to tell the o’clock time in Italian. Fantastico George! Keep up the amazing work!
Stem -   Mrs PeelMardow K (1A) for your incredible determination while using the BEE-Bots to make them move on a map. Well done!
Art -       Mrs GarroEliera- 5B - I am so proud of your enthusiasm and commitment to your artwork. Your passion is contagious.  Well Done. 

Student of the week is awarded to..


Shepherd Shoutouts to the following students of the week. 25/10/24

Student of the week is awarded to..

PREP A - Mrs GTony - For always being a team player and showing respect to his peers and teachers, well done Tony! 
PREP B - Mrs SandersonMariam S- for great reading of her high frequency words. Well Done!
1A - Mrs McNamaraEllie J- For your amazing sportsmanship during our Athletics Carnival. I love the way you cheered everyone on and tried your best! Amazing!

1B - Miss Katie


Thomas F - For showing amazing resilience and sportsmanship at the athletics carnival! Keep up the great work Thomas!

2A - Mr Montesano & 

        Mrs Hopper


Nathan G - For his incredible effort in class. Your behaviour and the work you’ve produced in the past few weeks is outstanding! Keep it up superstar!
2B - Miss MihocicDeclan P - For his amazing positivity, both in his learning when seeking challenges, and at Athletic’s Day where he encouraged his peers!
3B - Miss LapentaAshlea C- For always putting in extra effort with her reading. You always ask extra questions, seek feedback and use your tool box to help consolidate your understanding. Well Done Ashlea!
3A - Mrs Iuele & Mrs  MatzarisIssa Abo Kershah-For always considering others and displaying acts of kindness to his classmates . Thank you Issa !
4A - Ms KellyAnton B - Being a good friend on the yard, and showing humour! Your kindness and persistence create a community of compassion and belonging. Well done Anton!
4B - Mrs TasevskiJoseph H- For displaying great sportsmanship at our school athletics carnival  by encouraging others and striving to do his personal best! Well done Joseph!
5A - Mrs CareyCaleb H- For your excellent effort whilst completing your narrative cold write. Great work Caleb!
5B - Mrs John

Christina G - For your persistence in using the growth mindset during our Athletics carnival. Well done, Christina! You are a role model to your peers!


Thomas B - For your persistence while engaging in challenging learning. Well done, Thomas!

6A - Mrs AndersonJoelle A for her compassionate spirit and unwavering support for those around her. She exemplifies the values of a true follower of Christ.Well done Superstar!
6B - Miss LeeClaristelle for using the Habit of Mind ‘Creating, Imagining and Innovating’ in your poetry this week. Well done!

P.E - Mr P - Years 3-6

P.E - Mrs Dalton - Year Prep-2 

Harvey K - for always trying to be his best and making sure that he continues to push himself to be the best he can be! 

Ariana Gravina - for showing confidence in PE and being such a positive role model to the rest of your class. Well done. 

Music -  Mr Pietsch 
Italian - Mrs ZaffinaClaristelle (6B) For always being an active participant and doing her very best work in all Italian classes. Keep up the amazing work! Bravissima Claristella!
Stem -   Mrs PeelSamuel J (4B) for demonstrating kindness to support your peers on Minecraft, you're a Minecraft Master!!
Art -       Mrs GarroDeclan 2B - The absolute best running stitch I have seen during our sewing unit. Amazing.