Student Achievement Awards - 28/10/2024

Class | Student | Achievement |
FA | Celestia | For your excellent writing to inform this week. You shared some fascinating facts about your SSPS earthworms and your bedroom. Keep up the wonderful work Celestia! |
FH | Nathan | For demonstrating incredible enthusiasm during our concert performance. Your smile and vibrant energy were infectious! Outstanding job, Nathan! |
1G | Chaviv | Congratulations Chaviv, on your amazing performance at the concert! You were an amazing leader both nights and truly shined on stage. You should be very proud! |
1S | Kiara | Kiara, you are a superstar. Your willingness to help your classmates all through the concert rehearsals and at the performance was amazing. Thank you for caring about your friends. |
2F | Ivory | Well done Ivory, on a fantastic performance at the concert! Your enthusiasm during practice and on stage was infectious. Your energy and talent truly shone through. You should be incredibly proud of your hard work! |
2J | Liliana | Liliana, well done on an excellent start to Term 4! You've come back to class displaying great confidence and eagerness to share your ideas and participate in class conversations. It's wonderful to hear your brilliant thoughts and opinions. Keep it up! |
2T | Yasaman | Congratulations Yasaman for working hard to apply your phonics knowledge when spelling unfamiliar words. Keep up the amazing effort! |
3B | Jacob | Jacob, you should be incredibly proud of all the hard work you've put into our concert rehearsals this term. Your enthusiasm and determination truly shone through. It was wonderful to see you enjoying yourself and smiling on stage. Great job! |
3B | Isaac | Great job Isaac! It was awesome to see you try new things during our trip to Polly Woodside. You listened well to the group leader and showed respect and responsibility all day. Well done! |
3W | Josh | Congratulations Josh on your fabulous performance at the School Concert together with your classmates. It was awesome to see you take the initiative to work together with your family to create your own plane wings for the performance. They were so well-designed and spectacular to see on stage! |
4P | Eric | Congratulations Eric on your spectacular Elvis Presley 'Hound Dog' moves! You stepped out of your comfort zone and impressed the audience by moving and grooving in the true 1950's Rock and Roll fashion! Thank you for being in character throughout the performance! Way to Go! |
4P | Leo | Congratulations Leo on settling back into the routines at Syndal South. Well done on building on your English skills and demonstrating a positive approach towards the tasks put before you. Keep up the great work! |
5GP | Emma | Emma was a focused and enthusiastic team member throughout the solar boat project. On competition day, her teamwork, dedication, and positive attitude helped her team win many races. Great work, Emma! |
5H | Michael | Congratulations Michael on your great work towards our school concert. We had a last minute change with a student being absent and you filled in their position and carefully held up another student, which was a pivotal role in our dance. Well done on adapting to changes! |
6D | Taigen | Congratulations Taigen on your amazing work during the concert. I appreciated your efforts with the curtain making sure it was open and closed at just the right time. You are a Super Star! |
6D | Louis | Congratulations Louis on your amazing work during the concert. I appreciated your efforts with the curtain making sure it was open and closed at just the right time. You are a Super Star! |
6P | Ziyao | Congratulations Ziyao on your progress in English. You have been showing independence and initiative to complete writing tasks and speaking confidently in English. Well done! |