Defence Mentor

Remembrance Day is a time to honor and remember those who have served in the armed forces and made sacrifices during times of conflict. It commemorates the end of World War I. It is a day of reflection on the costs of war and the importance of peace.
The red poppy became a symbol of remembrance after the publication of the poem "In Flanders Fields," and continues to be a powerful emblem of gratitude and reflection.
The Poppy Appeal is a campaign to support veterans and their families. People wear poppy pins to show their support and remember those who have served. Money raised from the appeal is used for various services, including rehabilitation, housing, and financial support for veterans in need.
The College will be selling Poppies, Pens & Wrist Bands ranging from $2 - $5. These will be available in the office and we will be selling these at the beginning of school on :
Thursday 7th November
Friday 8th November
Monday 11th November
College Rememberance Day Liturgy
- Monday 11th November at 10:15am in the MPH.
All families are welcome to attend.
DMFS Defence Member Family Support
Defence Member & Family Helpline 1800 624 609 available 24/7
The helpline is provided by an experienced external agency contracted by the ADF. The agency’s personnel have been trained on the issues that ADF members and their families face, and what services are most appropriate to assist them.
The helpline operates under very strict rules about confidentiality
Wishing everyone a lovely long weekend and we will see students back on Wednesday 6th November.
Please contact me if you have any queries.
Kate Best