VCE Vocational Major

The Year 11 VCE Vocational Major class have had a super busy start to Term 4. In PDS we have been collecting second hand clothing donations for the Remote Op Shop Project, we also had a BBQ to raise funds to support this. We have completed our work experience at Barrabill House but have been working on some Christmas decorations to show our thanks to those involved. Moving on into preparation for 2025 we have been beginning to complete our induction and learning modules for work experience at Goulburn Options.
For PDS and Numeracy we attended an excursion in Shepparton on Friday October 25th and another in Melbourne on Tuesday October 29 to complete a mapping teamwork challenge.
We are also preparing for some upcoming work experience in careers related to our individual areas of career interest in WRS.
In all four of our subjects we have been submitting work tasks and completing our final assessments.
The Year 11 VCE VM staff would like to congratulate the VM students on the completion of an amazing year. With only days remaining in Year 11 Mrs Wood and Mrs Hard would like to take the time to congratulate each student on their efforts and contributions in2024. The class unit you have all contributed to and created is an amazing space to work and learn and you should all be congratulated for the individual growth, goals and achievements you have shown and completed this year. When we reflect on the year it has been a busy and successful one and you have all stood up and accepted your individual challenges. We both look forward to seeing you back for Year 12, starting in November.
Remote Op Shop Project :
We would like to thank all the families who have made donations of secondhand clothing to support our Remote Op Shop project. Thank you also to those who supported our BBQ, the funds we raised will be used to pay for the postage of the donated items to remote Australian communities.
“I chose to be a part of the sausage sizzle fundraiser to raise money for the Remote Op Shop Project. We planned the fundraiser over several lessons through verbal communication. We raised and resolved issues and worked together to assign tasks to each class member. I volunteered to place the bread in a napkin and hand it to the student giving the sausage in bread to a customer.
When the day came each student assumed their role in the fundraiser. We had to improvise and assign students new roles to better suit the operation of the event. With Jackson helping to hand the bread in a napkin, I found it easier to keep up with the supply. Reflecting on my performance, I am proud to say I completed my assigned task well. Towards the end of the event, I found myself displaying the skill of adaptability to fill in different roles as required.
The sausage sizzle was a success with the VM class raising a profit of $484.40 to post the donated clothes to the Remote Op Shop Project. Despite the setback of some leftover sausages, our profit margin had still been met. We felt we lost money as we could only accept cash which most of the primary had but secondary didn’t. If we were to hold another sausage sizzle it would be great to set up some sort of eftpos. Another setback was the absence of the grade 10’s which were originally planned to contribute greatly to our profit margin.” Olivia L
"My role in Remote Op Shop was a bit of everything. I sorted the donated clothes, labelled the collection and sorting tubs and instructed other members of the class on what they could do to help…I also helped the BBQ organising group with the BBQ, selling soft drinks with Travis and Michelle.” Angela
Shepparton Excursion :
On Friday October 25th the VCE VM class headed to Shepparton. We headed up on the Vline coach. On arrival in Shepparton students made their way as a group, with different students leading the way, to Oz Ten Pin Bowling. Each student was assigned a small group and played a game of bowling, with bumpers to add some extra challenge and the use of angles for Numeracy. We had some interesting techniques and approaches to the challenge, with one student even managing to bowl the ball halfway down the aisle only for it to spin back and return to them. Congratulations to our group winners on the day Micah, Tom and Tanya. After a delicious lunch we headed back to Seymour by train.
'On the 25th of October the Year 11 VM Students went on an excursion to Shepparton
to play some bowling at the Star Bowl Tenpin bowling.
The day started at the Seymour train station where we were catching the bus to Shepparton. We caught the bus up to Shepparton and walked over to the Bowling place. I was in a group of 5 with Micah, Ebony, Mrs Hard and Miss Wood and it was a solid game of bowling. I ended up coming 3rd with a score of 93 and Micah ended up winning with a score of 114, in the end I think I did pretty good considering it was my first time bowling. After bowling we split off and got something to eat for lunch, me and Micah went to this cafe and ended up getting 3 stack pancakes with ice cream, syrup and 1 strawberry. I think it was worth the price as the pancakes were nice and fluffy to eat. After Lunch we met back up and walked back to the train station where we catched the train back into Seymour. We walked back to School and spent the last hour watching Ratatouille.' Jackson
Melbourne Excursion:
On Tuesday October 29th the VCE VM class headed to the Melbourne CBD for the St Mary’s Seymour CBD Mapping Challenge. Students were dropped at various locations in the CBD and in a set time had to complete a number of challenges and tasks before returning to a set checkpoint location by the time deadline (which was different for each new location). Students were awarded extra points for completing the task before the dedicated time and for showing support to others while points were deducted for not completing all tasks or any attempted following of other groups. Students showed such an improvement in their confidence and their mapping skills since the first Melbourne trip this year. Well done to our overall winners of the challenge Jarrah, Ethan, Tom and Nat.
'Last Tuesday the Year 11 VM class went to Melbourne to complete a series of tasks to find and locate different locations and landmarks in Melbourne cbd. Nat, Tom, Ethan and I were in a group and in no surprise we won the whole thing. Overall probably the best excursion we have done this year.' Jarrah and Nat
Amanda Hard, Melissa Wood