Principal's Message

Mrs Kaileen Carr

The warm weather has certainly arrived and we have had a few snakes on the playground over the last week. Please remind students to be vigilant when playing and that they remain within the designated playing areas at all times. Grounds staff will be keeping the grass short and removing any leaf waste and rubbish from around the school. Additionally, the staff are keeping a watchful eye out when they are on duty.


Students are reminded that they need to wear the school wide brimmed hat at all times when they are on the playground. We are lucky to now have air conditioning in all classrooms so when they come in from the playground the rooms are cool. 


I love showcasing achievements of our students with activities they do outside of school. If your child has accomplished something outside of school, please send the information and a photo and we will feature their achievements in the school newsletter.


Maddison Burke, 1/2S, trains for competitive gymnastics at Aspire Gymnastics and competed at the Junior State Championships, representing the Central West/Riverina Region, at the SGAC in Rooty Hill on Friday 25th October. 


Over the past few months, Maddison competed at two trial events against other members of the region, in Dubbo and Canberra, in order to qualify for the State Championships. After placing 2nd in the region at those events, Maddison was invited to represent the region alongside other Central West team mates.


Maddison did a fantastic job at the state championships and received a Silver medal which was based on her individual score being in the second banding and placed 24th overall. 


Below is Maddison with her medal.