
What’s Happening in Careers?
This week in our MyPath class we had a member of the ‘Talk Money’ organisation speak to the students about their rights as a worker. They will be coming back in Week 6 to speak to the boys about tax, super and savings. All notes for MyPath can be found on SEQTA.
Year 11
We also had ‘Talk Money’ speak to Year 11 about their rights as a worker. We were then lucky enough to have one of our Year 12s speak to the boys about applying through various Apprenticeship Programs which are advertised from May each year. They spoke about how to stand out from the crowd, how to frame your answers and the lengthy process that needs to be followed when entering a company like Westrac Cat/Liebherr and Bruce Rock Engineering/BTP.
Careers Newsletter
Term 4 Number 2
This week the ATAR exams started for our graduating students. Below is the latest information from TISC about the ATAR results.
All 2024 WACE students with at least one scaled score, will be able to access their TISC Universities Admission Advice Letter information (including scaled scores, ATAR and eligibility information for universities for the 2025 admission year) via the TISC website at www.tisc.edu.au.
Results will be available from Sunday 15 December 2024. The TISC office will be open from 9.00am on Monday 16 December to answer enquiries.
TISC advises all 2024 Year 12 students to log in to TISCOnline in the week leading up to results release, to ensure their user ID and password are working.
- If you have not logged in to TISCOnline before, use the default password (details found here).
- If you have logged in to TISCOnline before, you can use the Forgotten Password function. The password reset instructions will go to the email address with which they registered –this should not be a school email address.
The first major round of offers for Year 12 students will be available from Saturday 21 December 2024 with another major round of offers available on Tuesday 21 January 2025. The time between offer rounds is an opportunity to seek advice from TISC and/or the universities if an applicant did not receive an offer or is unsure about their options.
The application deadline for a small number of courses has passed, but applications for most courses are still open at www.tisc.edu.au, and will remain open until 17 December 2024 (for Main Round offers) and 15 January 2025 (for Second Round offers).
TISC encourages applicants to complete their applications as soon as possible to give themselves maximum flexibility when results are released.
Year 12 students may need to upload documents. Check this page, particularly the headings “Supporting documents” and “Extra submissions”.
Applicants who were completing a Certificate IV or Diploma qualification during Year 12 should upload the qualification award certificate (not a printout of results) to their TISC application as soon as they receive it, to ensure timely assessment of their application. If the qualification was completed through a WA TAFE or Fremantle Education Centre, TISC can obtain confirmation of completion directly from the provider, however the student is still encouraged to upload the qualification to prevent any delays.
If the qualification was completed through any other Registered Training Organisation (RTO), the student must upload the correct documentation, or they may miss out on an offer. Applicants who have selected Experience Based Entry as a method of entry should ensure they have uploaded all relevant documents required by the university.
Students applying for university through TISC need to provide their USI as part of their application. Applicants can create or retrieve their USI at www.usi.gov.au – once created, it stays with students for life and will maintain a register of all vocational education and training undertaken in Australia.
Lauren Johnson and Peta Paduano