School Captain News
School Captain News
What's Happening Week 4 Term 4
What's Happening Week 5 Term 4
Joke time!
I can always tell when someone is lying. I can tell when they're standing too!
World Teachers Day!
World Teachers' Day is an opportunity to acknowledge and celebrate the immense effort and dedication that teachers put into their work. We thank all of the teachers, LSO’s and all staff members at Our Lady’s and we appreciate the work and effort you put in every single day! Our Lady’s would never be the same without all the teachers we have had and have currently! No teachers could replace them and we thank them all for the effort and help and support they give to us students and school community.
Bottle & Can Recycling
Thanks to everyone who has been recycling their drink bottles, please keep up the great work. We have collected 2 massive bags so far.
Behaviour Bucks
Week 2: 2A with 44 points and 5D with 38 points
Week 3: 3A with 45 points and 4A with 46 points
Yard slips:
Week 2: Vanessa from 2C and Daniel 2B
Week 3: Catherine from 1C and Abelard from 2C
Joke time!
Some people pick their nose, but I was born with mine!
Have a wonderful weekend everyone
-Cruz, Lesra, Amelia & Ivy!