Harvey Simpson
Harvey Simpson
Next Wednesday students in stage 2 will be heading down to Queens Park for their final instalment of the Interschool Sport that Sydney Catholic Schools have been organising this year. The interschool sport initiative was to engage more schools playing and participating in friendly games against other schools in their area. SCS has announced that the initiative will continue next year which we are glad to hear!
Students in years 5 & 6 have the opportunity to trial for the Sydney Catholic Schools representative pathway in a range of sports. Term 4 we have students trialling for Cricket, Basketball, Tennis and AFL.
A big congratulations to Christian Hall who made it through the Conference 1 cricket trials and will now play at the Sydney level. We wish him and all the trialist the best of luck. Next year there will be an opportunity for the current year 4 & 5 students to trial in a range of sports. More information will be provided closer to the time.