Family and Faith
Lucille Gravina, Family Faith Educator
Family and Faith
Lucille Gravina, Family Faith Educator
So wonderful to see so many families at our final Family Mass for 2024. At the mass, our Year 3 students also made their Reconciliation Commitment as they prepare this week to undertake Formation Sessions in preparation for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Thank you to those who volunteered to participate in the mass. Following mass, we enjoyed pizza together in the Undercroft. A great celebration of community.
A heartfelt thank you to all classes and parents who participated in the October SPaR’s on The Holy Rosary. I am confident that everybody learnt something new about the Rosary during these workshops. It was such a blessing to deliver them to you. Look forward to sharing more SPaR’s with you in 2025.
Thank you to those students who have volunteered to participate in our Parish Christmas Carols this year. The choir will combine with the OLSH school choir to perform 'Away in a Manger'. It is set to be a truly special event with the community choir and choirs from Marcellin and Brigidine also participating. It's not too late to join. If your child is in Years 3 - 6 and would like to join, please complete the consent form that was sent home and return it to the school office.
It was wonderful to see so many StMM parents last Tuesday night at Souths Juniors for the Digital Dangers and our Kids talk by Melinda Tankard-Reist. I must say it was quite an eye opening evening for myself and I am sure there are other parents out there who would agree. Very topical and in some cases confronting. Melinda referred to several books during her presentation and has offered them for sale at the discount available on the evening of the talk. The books are listed below. If you are interested in purchasing any of the titles, please contact me direct at so I can make a bulk purchase.
How to talk to your kids about Pornography - $20
Raising tech-healthy humans - $30
Girl Wise - A guide to taking care of your body - $15
Getting Real - Challenging the Sexualisation of Girls $35
Once again we would like to thank all the parents and carers in our community who have volunteered their time to assist at school this year in various capacities - reading, Kiss and Go, sports carnivals, excursions etc... We will be hosting a morning tea on Wednesday 11th December 2024. If you are able to attend, please scan the QR code on the invitation and RSVP by Friday 22nd November, 2024 for catering purposes. Thank you.
Thank you to all families who have volunteered to decorate and write a personalised Christmas card to a resident at Little Sisters of the Poor. The cards will be sent home with your child in the coming days.
Go gently, every blessing
Ms Lucille Gravina
Family Educator