
SMDP Read-A-Thon
Friday, November 15th is the final day to return the read-a-thon sponsor forms and funds.
Prizes will be awarded at assembly on Monday, November 18th, for the students who read the most books in Years P-2 and 3-6, as well as for those who raised the most money.
Need Volunteers from Current Prep 2024 families for Prep 2025 Transition Session 3 on Tuesday December 3rd
SMDP Christmas Carols
Teeth On Wheels Visit
Dear Families,
Just a reminder that we have Teeth on Wheels visiting our school for 6 monthly reviews and oral health education starting on the December 12th 2024.
Please click on the link below to complete your child’s consent form.
Please note: if you have already completed a form for 2024 this does not need to be done again, unless your contact information or child’s medical history has changed.
Complete your form today and the Teeth On Wheels team will be in contact to schedule your child’s appointment and notify you on your eligibility. If you are not eligible, Teeth On Wheels will offer you a special deal of $99 for the full check-up, oral cancer screening, clean, fluoride treatment and any x-rays if required (this can be claimed back through your private health insurance).
For any further questions, please contact the Teeth On Wheels team on (03) 9338 1191.
Sun Smart Procedures
School hats must be worn at all times for outdoor learning and play.
Please ensure your child has a labelled school hat. If they do not have a hat, they will be instructed to play in the shade under the church verandah during break times.
Students should apply sunscreen before school and bring their own sunscreen in their bag. Teachers will provide time for them to re-apply prior to outdoor breaks.
School Uniform
Full Summer uniform is now compulsory. This includes the correct leather school shoes.
Our school uniform promotes our wonderful students to the wider community. It shows respect for themselves and others and ensures equality for every child. Students must wear our correct uniform and wear it with pride and confidence.
When to wear sports uniform
Students participate in specialist lessons across a fortnight timetable. This involves Physical Education and Sport lessons where sports uniform is required.
Here are the days classes need to wear the school sports uniform in Semester Two. A reminder this is the only time students wear this uniform and sports shoes. At all other times Summer school uniform should be worn.
Sport Uniform Days Term 4
Year | Day |
Prep | Tuesdays, Thursdays |
Year 1/2 | Wednesdays |
Year 3/4 | Mondays, Thursdays |
Year 5/6 | Tuesdays, Wednesdays |
Japanese Lessons
Students have Japanese lessons on a Semester basis. The Year 3/4/5/6 students learnt Japanese in Semester One and it will be the Prep and Year One and Two's turn in Semester Two.
Year | Day |
Prep | Thursdays |
Year 1/2 | Wednesdays |
Uniform Donation
If you have uniform at home that your child is no longer wearing, we would be most grateful if you could donate it to the school. Please drop it off to Front Office at any time.
Notice for Preps 2025 - Limited places available
Library Borrowing
Could all students return any library books they have borrowed by Tuesday December 3rd so we can undertake our end of year stock take?
Reporting and Learning Conversations
Student reports will be emailed to families on Monday December 9th.
After reading the Semester Two report, if you require further information, please contact your child's teacher directly to arrange a parent/teacher conversation.
These meetings will be held on request by either parent or teacher, and by appointment on Thursday 12th December between 3:45pm and 5pm.