Dear Parents and Carers
We have had a few delightfully busy weeks here at St Anthony’s.
Our year 1/2 teachers have been engaged in a Mathematics project all year and it has been wonderful to see the growth in our Year 1/2 students in Mathematics after the final round of testing the students last week. We have plans in place to ensure we continue to embed the learnings from the project this year into next year and beyond.
Our Year 3 to 6 teachers have also completed a Project on Improving Writing. The teachers presented the work they have been doing with the students this year at a symposium two weeks ago. We will continue to delve deeper into this learning next year.
It has been lovely to meet and welcome our new Prep students and their families at the Step into Prep days. They all seem so confident and ready to take on the challenges of school already!
Our teachers are currently assessing students as they prepare the Semester Two reports. We use a variety of tests and assessment tools to come to a conclusion about what a student knows and can do so as to ensure the report is authentic and timely for the student.
There have been many exciting excursions and incursions that have taken place over the last weeks and continue for some levels into the next week or two. Our students have shown great resilience, self awareness and social awareness as they travel to places around Melbourne, we are so proud of the way they have all conducted themselves when they are out and about.
I wish you all a wonderful and safe weekend with your families.
Kind regards
Glennis Kerr
Teaching and Learning Leader