Student Achievement Awards - 30th October

Class | Student | Achievement |
FA | Prathyun | For your outstanding responsibility during our excursion to TwistedED Science. You stayed with your group, attentively following all instructions. Your caring nature shone through when you supported a friend who got hurt. Well Done! |
1H | Amberley | Amberley, well done for working so hard in maths this week when learning about time especially when changing an analogue clock to digital time. you definitely know how to make sure we are all having a good time! Thank you for all your amazing work this week! |
1P | Olivia | Well done Olivia on your spectacular note-taking whilst watching our animal videos. You were able to listen carefully and take short notes to remind yourself about what you heard. Later, you'll have some great sentences based on your great, consice notes. Well done! |
1S | Julian | Julian, the effort you put into your learning is outstanding! This week in Writing you carefully and consicely wrote notes about Leopards and expertly reworded your notes into detailed sentences. Your attitude towards learning is incredible! Keep on shining! |
2F | Blossom | Blossom, it's wonderful to see the positivity and focus you show towards your learning. During Maths last week, you demonstrated your understanding by creating arrays using stickers and then writing the corresponding multiplication and reapeated addition equations. Congratulations and keep up the excellent learning, Blossom! |
3B | Riley | Congratulations Riley for always being a responsible and respectful learner. Your bookwork is always presented to a high standard as you take the time to organise your ideas. Last week, you did an outstanding job of summarising our weekly text into a well written paragraph. Well done! |
3P | Myleene | Myleene, you did a terrific job sorting different situations using the scale 'How Big is the Problem?' You were able to discuss your reasons and justify your choices. During our learning about 'Staying Safe' you created a persuasive paragraph about reasons to be Sunsmart and included a wonderful illustration. Well done! |
4P | Neelay | Congratulations Neelay on the dedicated effort you have put into improving your handwriting style, size and formation. You have also shown some magnificent work ethics this term, especially in the areas of expanding on reading strategies and identifying and organising content required for information reports. Keep up your positive attitude! Well done! |
4S | Anna | Anna has demonstrated her amazing ability to focus and be a great learner this week. She concentrated well when rolling dice, drawing counters out of bags and spinning spinners to develop her understanding of chance and probability. |
5H | Sama | Congratulations Sama on being such an active and enthusiastic participant in group activities. It is great seeing you making such good contributions in your lit circles discussion each week. Keep up the great work! |
6D | Amy | Congratulations Amy on settling into Syndal South smoothly. It is a pleasure to see you adapt to new classroom routines with such ease. You are a Super Star! |
6D | Olivia | Congratulations Olivia on your amazing reislience and work ethos you display daily. It is a pleasure to see you always push yourself to fantastic amazing academic results. You are a Super Star! |
6S | Erin | Congratulations Erin on being such a good role model to other students. You always work your hardest on tasks and seek clarification if you are unsure. Great learning habits, keep up the great work! |
6S | Aditi | Congratulations Aditi on your excellent efforts on our Soccer Design Project. I loved your enthusiasm to the task and your creative ideas really shined. Keep up the great work with your learning! |