Parents' Association

Spoil the Staff Day
Yesterday, the Parents' Association was proud to host the annual “Spoil the Staff Day”. This is a day where we show our appreciation to all the teachers, assistants, and staff of the school and thank them for all their hard work throughout the year.
We provided both morning tea and lunch and it was a very impressive spread. Thank you to everyone who donated fruits and cheeses for the platters, and another big thank you to all the volunteers who helped on the day. It was a big community effort.
Library Book Sets
At the Spoil the Staff luncheon, the Parents’ Association was thrilled to present the school with $500 worth of brand-new book sets for our older students. With the help of Inger Robinson, our librarian, we chose popular titles that have between 4 to 15 books in a series. They are the ones that students most often ask for including more Harry Potter (a library can never have too many copies of Harry), Wings of Fire, Dogman and Percy Jackson.
Thank you to all the parents who helped raise the money for the books by buying Hotdogs on Footy Day.
And we must mention Caue in Year 6, who has offered to donate his book sets of Dogman, The 13 Storey Treehouse, Captain Underpants and The Bad Guys to the library. Thank you Caue!
Julie Jago-Kerr
President – Parents’ Association