The Syndal Stars focus this week is “Being SunSmart”. We’re encouraging students to take responsibility for their well-being by making sure they bring their hats to school everyday and wear them when heading outside to play. In our classrooms we have also engaged in meaningful discussions about what it means to be SunSmart, such as the importance of using sunscreen and playing in shady areas.
In Foundation, we talked about being SunSmart and what we could do to remember our hats everyday. Following our brainstorm, we made bag tags so that we don’t forget our hats when packing our bags. Look at the photos to see our creative designs.
Year 1 and 2 students looked at the Slip, Slop, Slap, Seek, Slide slogan as part of their Health topic. They discussed the meaning and the importance of the message. Year 2 classes then dressed up their class pets Blueberry Bunny and Bobby Bunny to ensure they are being SunSmart as well!
In Year 3 and 4, students researched how various animals across the world are SunSmart. We learnt that rhinoceroses coat their skin with a natural sunscreen by giving themselves a dust bath. Students brainstormed how they must stay SunSmart to protect themselves: hat, sunscreen, shade, sunglasses. If the animals can stay SunSmart, so can we!
In Year 5 and 6, students discussed the importance of being safe in the sun, as the light from the sun has invisible UV rays. These rays make our skin burn. We need to wear hats if outside as the sun is at its hottest between 10am and 4pm. Students designed SunSmart posters, promoting safety when playing outside.