Inclusive Education

Monday 16th October 5 secondary students participated in the Secondary Track and Field State Championships. Congratulations on making it that far.


Last week 6 students from Seymour College participated in the Changing Gears program. Students learnt about the road rules in a fun and interactive way. There was a 100% pass rate. One student was too young to sit their test on the day, so will sit it when she is old enough. Congratulations to all that participated.



This week students participated in Zumba for the Inclusive Sports sessions run by Nexus Health. Students enjoyed participating; for many of them this being their first time trying it. This is the first of many visits to trial a variety of sports.


Wednesday 1st November 7 students participated in the Primary Track and Field State Championships at Albert Park. Congratulations on your tremendous effort.


Reminder: IE Year 12 students will be finishing up on the 10th November and the IE Year 11s finishing on the 17th. We wish all students that are exiting all the best for 2024 and the future.