Principal's Report

Exams, revision, assessments, reports and transition activities have been the buzz words at Seymour College over the last fortnight.  Just a reminder that Monday 6th November is a pupil free day and Tuesday 7th is the Melbourne Cup Public Holiday. 


On Monday staff will be assessing and writing reports, as well as preparing for our school review which will take place early in Term 1 2024. During this time we will be consulting with our students, staff and families about the future direction of the school. Strategic plans are developed every four years by schools in the government system. 


Our senior students are well into the exam period and we wish them all the best.


We have been steadily recruiting staff for our 2023/2024 year with the following staff being appointed to leadership, teaching or education support positions.  To name a few we have appointed:

Jennie Gao - Learning Specialist Secondary

Ricky Webster - Campus Manger Secondary

Bradley Moedt - Primary Campus Manager

Mario Laing - PE Secondary

Jawwad Ali - Maths Secondary


As the weather is warming up, it is essential that students wear their hats.  Hats are mandatory for Term 1 and Term 4 for Primary aged students.


I hope you have a great weekend & enjoy the weeks ahead.


Debbie Oliver
