Principal's Message

From the Desk of Tracey Parsons - Term 4, Week 5

Week Five!      Hump Week!     Half-way Week!


This week teachers will be looking for children who show self-control.  As the middle of the term approaches everybody tends to get a little bit excited, but we must remember there is still another half to go.  We have lots to achieve and we still have lots of fun things to experience before the term ends. 



Surveys have been slowly trickling in.  Thank you to the families who have returned their responses.  Information from these surveys is very beneficial to improving our school.  Please take the time to fill them out and return them to the office by Friday.



This week Year 6 will be making Mars Bar slice. A piece of slice will cost 50c and will be sold from the canteen at the 3rd break.



Kindy transition is in full swing and the new Kindy’s enjoyed their second full day at school last Friday.  This week was blue week, and the children made a blue book, read to their Year 6 friends, painted a self-portrait, and played sport with their Year 5 buddies.  There were some very tired children at the end of the day, and I bet they were all in bed early.



Swim school is approaching very fast.  This year all 2/3 and 4/5 non swimmers will take part in the 10-day extensive swim program.  Swim school starts in Week 7, Monday 20th November and goes through to Friday 1st December.  Lessons will be in the afternoons starting around 1.00pm.  Pool entry will be FREE, and the children will need to bring swimmers, goggles, a hat, an extra water bottle, and a towel every day.  Those children not attending the program will stay at school and will be taught by Mrs P, Mrs Williams & Mrs McGilray. 



As basketball draws to a close, I’m hoping to introduce lawn bowls as the final sport for the year.  I have booked the bowling club greens for the last 4 Wednesdays of the Term.  Rodney from sporting Schools plus a few local bowlers are going to join us and I’m hoping to organise a family bowling day on the last Wednesday.  So, if you’re available on the day please come and have a bowl with us.  The time and date will be confirmed later.


Let’s have a great week at school.




Mrs P

Relieving Principal