Scotsburn News

Whole School Assemblies | Friday 10th November Wednesday 20th December |
Scotsburn Assemblies | Friday 27th October Friday 17th November Friday 24th November Friday 8th December |
SC2 Union Jack Walk | Wednesday 18th October (start at Buninyong) |
Young Authors’ Workshop 3 | Thursday 19th October |
Buninyong Colour Run! | Friday 20th October (Buninyong pick up) |
Melbourne Cup (student free day) | Tuesday 7th November |
Scotsburn Swimming sessions | Monday 13th November - Friday 17th November |
Student free day | Wednesday 22nd November |
Energy Breakthrough | Thursday 23rd November - Friday 24th November |
Grandparents and Special Friends Day | Friday 1st December (9am - 11am) |
Parent Teacher Interviews | Monday 11th December (4pm - 6pm) Wednesday 13th December (1pm finish for students) |
Public Schools Orientation Day | Tuesday 12th December |
Scotsburn Christmas Concert | Monday 18th December |
Grade 6 Graduation Evening | Tuesday 19th December |
Last Day of Term 4 | Wednesday 20th December (1:30pm finish) |
Bushfire Preparedness
As we are heading into the warmer period of the year, it is important that we stay on top of our bushfire preparedness works and procedures. Our campus is in an area that is more vulnerable to fires and each year we undertake works to reduce the fuel load around the campus and make sure the buildings are as safe as they can be in the event of a fire.
As we know, on days where the fire risk is high, we relocate to the Buninyong campus for the day. We are mandated to relocate on days rated as catastrophic, however we also like to relocate and ensure safety, even when the fire rating is Extreme.
We will do our best to give all Scotsburn families plenty of notice on occasions when the decision is taken to relocate to the Buninyong campus.
Attached to this newsletter is a document that provides a detailed explanation of how we manage the threat of bushfires at our Scotsburn Campus. If you have any questions related to our bushfire plans and procedures, feel free to contact Jarrod or Bernie.
Buninyong Colour Run this Friday!
Our very exciting Colour Run event is on this Friday at the Buninyong campus from 2:15pm onwards. Scotsburn students will begin the day at Scotsburn as usual and participate in normal class routines and Family Groups after recess. We will then all bus down to Buninyong for all of the excitement and colour of the event. If you have never seen a colour run before, you will be sure to be impressed with the explosion of colour and fun!
For more details about the event, see below some of the key messages that Jarrod Rodgers sent out last week:
Our event will be kicking off at 2:15pm, on the basketball court, with some presentations and of course another sliming! The kids have been advocating very strongly for Mr Conlan to cop a bucket full of slime - but we will have to wait for the day to arrive to see what will happen…
- All students are encouraged to wear an old white shirt to school for the day. This is to make the colour really stand out when it gets thrown on them during their laps. Although the colour powder is safe ( 98.3% cornstarch & 1.7% food dye) the food colouring ingredient will mean that it will stain some clothes. This could also leave some stains on white shoes.
- As the colour contains food dye it can stain very light/blonde hair. If there are students that do not want colour stained hair for the next few days/week, we have found that rubbing coconut oil through the hair before they run and then washing it out with cold water afterward helps the colour not stick to the strands.Another option could be to wear a hat!
- If you have any concerns about allergies or you do not want your child to participate in the event, can you please let your child’s teacher know. We will ensure that they do not participate in the running/ colouring, and can instead take part in our dance corner!
- I would recommend that you bring a towel when you collect your child from school that afternoon so that they can dry themselves off, and sit on it in the car to avoid any colouring getting onto the car seat, etc.
- We are inviting our parents to come down to the school at 2:15pm if they would like to watch the event. You will be able to watch the presentations and event as it occurs, and I am sure there will be plenty of opportunities to catch that perfect snap of your child! Our teachers will be taking before and after shots that I am sure will be a sight to see!
Bunjil Award Winners
Congratulations to last week’s Bunjil award winners. Amazing effort everyone!
SC1 | |
Maverick | Ella |
SC2 | |
Seth | Annie L |
SC3 | |
James | Bethany |
Breakfast Club
It has been wonderful to see our Breakfast Club back up and running, with lots of smiling faces and full bellies. The students really look forward to these mornings each week, and with some better weather on the way we might even have an outdoor brekky very soon!
Installation of Flag Poles and Goal Posts
If you have popped in this term to the campus for drop off or pick up, you will have noticed a few changes around the place. Firstly, we have finally been able to install our new goal posts on the oval, which are a big upgrade to the crooked PVC posts we have been running for many years! We have also been able to install three new flag poles in front of SC3. These have also been long overdue, and now allow us to fly the appropriate flags each day. This week we will be selecting some lucky SC3 students, who will become our flag monitors for the remainder of 2023.
A big thankyou to Shane and Simon for all of their hard work with the installations.
P- 2 Sports Day
Last Tuesday we participated in the P-2 Sports Day. Students were fantastic throughout the day and gave everything a Red-Hot-Go! They even looked great all dressed up in their team colours. Students participated in bean bag and vortex throw, relays, hurdles, sack racing and a game of octopus. A highlight was an icypole at the end of the day. A massive thank you to Mrs Morris and the SEDA students for setting up such a wonderful event.
Family Groups - Sustainability
Last Friday, students in the sustainability group were learning all about honey bee habitats. We learned about the different Australian landscapes and considered how the needs of honey bees are met in each of the different areas. We also got to do a honey tasting from different bees in the bush, mountains and river. We had to think about the taste, texture, smell and colour. We are looking forward to heading outside and getting into the garden in the coming weeks.
Parent Volunteering
This term we are going to continue with our parent volunteering roster, to assist with lunch orders, toastie Tuesdays, and family group sessions. We absolutely loved the assistance we received last term, and we are looking to build on this even further for the remainder of the year.
If you are willing and able to assist in any way, please click on the link below and add your name to as many of the spaces you would like. Thanks in advance!
SC1 Learning Snapshot
In SC1 students have been busy across all areas, really enjoying the concepts they are exploring. In Reading, we have been learning about how to find directly stated information in fiction stories. This is to assist students in their comprehension and give them an understanding that when we are reading, we can gather knowledge. A big strategy that we are looking at is re-reading. This helps us to understand what it is the author wants us to understand and know.
In Writing, we are exploring how to write a detailed recount. Students wrote a recount last week about the Prep-Two sports day and were able to really understand the elements needed to be successful. We will continue to work on recounts for the next 4 weeks.
In Maths, we are exploring measurement. Last week we looked at length. Students created a ‘stick insect’ and we looked at informal and formal measurement tools.
In Respectful Relationships and School Wide Positive Behaviours, we have been looking at what an ‘attentive listener’ looks and sounds like as well as caring for others, no matter our differences.
Have a fantastic week.
Ana and Kirsty.
SC2 Learning Snapshot
SC2 settled into the week very nicely last week as they embarked on many new topics and took part in some exciting things throughout the week.
SC2 are commencing their unit in Maths on Mapping, this will mean that their differentiated groups will be learning about directions, scales and much more in accordance to their necessary learning points.
Students have been creating some procedural texts during Writing and will aim to take part in some practical components this week to test out the specificity of their procedures!
Our students have been successfully searching for literal information during Reading, which has been very impressive!
On Wednesday, we will be starting down at Buninyong for our first Union Jack walk. This will give an insight into the life of explorers, as per our integrated topic for Term 4 and will link in with our upcoming diary writing unit. After the walk, we will be bussing back to Scotsburn to finish the day with specialists and normal pick up routines.
Have a great week!
SC3 Learning Snapshot
Wow, what an experience camp was! From Imax, to MSAC and the Old Melbourne Gaol, to the Eureka tower and river cruise. Students were taken on a whirlwind adventure! A highlight was the Melbourne Amazing Race where our students were able to solve puzzles and lead themselves through the Melbourne CBD. Our SC3 students should be so proud of the way that they approached the camp experience, both with enthusiasm and maturity. What a great time we all had. A special thanks must be given to Sylvia and Steph, who volunteered their time to allow this experience to occur.
Last Thursday, Ian Rossiter came in to work with SC3 to plant some tussock grass seeds in trays, ready to germinate and plant in Autumn next term. These grasses will form the boundary slope of the oval, assisting to stop balls running off the oval, to stop erosion and weeds establishing and to reduce the need for mowing and improve the habitat for frogs, insects, lizards and birds. Thanks to Dan Frost for proving the seeds from the Seeding Victoria seed bank.
Yesterday our students participated in the URStrong Zoom workshop, focussing on friendships. Students loved the interaction throughout the session as well as the tips and strategies provided.
See you all during the week,
Enrolments for 2024
If you have a child or know of someone who has a child to enrol in Prep for 2024, please see Ana for an enrolment form, go to the office at Buninyong or access an enrolment form via our school website. We are excited that in line with the current Department of Education guidelines we are able to provide our Pre-Schooler Program during the fourth term as part of our enrolment process. Once you have returned your enrolment form, you will be sent further information to book your child into the Pre-Schooler Program. Please see Ana if you require further information.
Scotsburn Intercampus Travel At times, Scotsburn students will be transported between campuses in order to attend classes, assemblies, special days and events. On most occasions, transport required through the day will be by bus and occasionally private car for smaller groups of students. Parents may be asked to drop off or collect from the Buninyong campus if sessions are at the beginning or ending of a day. We will always let you know of any upcoming travel arrangements via our newsletter, Compass, or via phone for smaller, more specific travel arrangements. If you ever have any questions or concerns regarding intercampus travel, please contact your child’s teacher. |
Staff Contacts
Mr Morgan:
Mrs Anderson:
Mr Walsh:
Mrs Robinson:
Mrs Morgan:
Ms Middlin:
The Scotsburn Team