Years F-6 Coordinator

Kim Fitzpatrick

F-6 Key Dates:
Mon6thWhole School Assembly 9am In The Stadium
Mon6thStay Late Yr F &1
Mon6thSchool Sleepover Yr 2 & 3
Tues7thMelbourne Cup - Pupil Free
Fri10th Kinder Transition Day 1
Fri17thKinder Transition Day 2
Tues21stYr 6-7 Transition Information Night 5:30pm
Tues28thA Christmas Bush Story
Mon 4th Pupil Free Day
Tues  5th

F6 Swimming Program 


Weds6thYr 6-7 Transition Day
Sun10thCarols by Candlelight
Fri15thF6 Swimming Program Concludes
Mon18thGraduation Assembly & Primary Party
Mon18thAwards Ceremony 7.30pm
Mon18thStudents Last Day of 2023


It was fabulous Monday morning, to have a good group of parents join us for our Assembly. The F-2 students rendition of Old MacDonald had a Ford was entertaining, the words were said quickly and then they had actions to go with them! Please note, next week will be a whole school assembly, all parents and friends are invited.      


Star Students

Foundation: Audrey, for wonderful sounding out when writing stories. 

Learning Detectives: Archie and Wally for being Responsible, Respectful and Resilient learners. 

Year 3 & 4: Chace for being engaged in Literacy and completing set tasks with enthusiasm. 

Year 5 & 6: Anna for always helping teachers and peers. 






Reading Awards

Students are continuing to read, and all have read for a very large number of nights:

125 nights: Mark and Charlie.

150 nights: Sophie

200 nights: Anna

250 nights: Charlott


Book Recommendation

Sam recommended “The Clockwork Dragon” by James R Hannibal. He describes it as a Science Fiction book with adventure and mystery. It is set in the Library of Spooks, London and the Ministry of Trackers. The main characters are Jack, Gwen and his Mum and Dad. Jack and Gwen are on a quest to find ‘the mind’ made by paracceisus so Jack could get his Dad out of a coma. Ball (a spook) did somethine to Jack’s Dad. Sam recommends it for Year 5 to 7 and rates it 5 stars. 


Late Stay and Sleep Over

Next Monday students in F-2 will remain behind after school. The Foundation and Year 1 students will stay late, while the Year 2 students will sleep over. Permission forms have been sent home, we trust everyone will return them promptly to allow us to prepare. Mrs Fahey and Mrs Judd have some exciting activities planned. It will certainly be a night full of fun. 


Around the classrooms

In Digital Technologies this term, Year 5 and 6 students have been familiarising themselves with Scratch. They have animated a name, learnt to use video sensing, then they have made a clicker game, a chase game and this week was their favourite, they made a pong game. 

Anna playing her pong game, where a fish bounces off a shark.
Anna playing her pong game, where a fish bounces off a shark.
Xavier made a basketball pong game.
Xavier made a basketball pong game.