Principal's Message
Nurture. Innovate. Celebrate.
Principal's Message
Nurture. Innovate. Celebrate.
Dear Students, Parents, Carers and Families
Writing is very complex with many components. At Maramba, we focus on developing all the required skills for writing in a structured approach. Many people in our community will have seen our students' wonderful writing in many different genres at our Discovery Showcases.
Another aspect is our narrative writing which many families are familiar with when Big Talk homework comes home on a fortnightly basis.
The most important components of our narrative writing include mentor texts; rich texts which are used to develop ambitious vocabulary, varied sentence structure and creative ideas. We also explicitly teach story and sentence level grammar and syntax. During Big Write, students carefully plan their writing, gather ideas from school and home, share ideas with others, practise crafting their ideas into a piece of writing and then revising and editing their work.
Through this article are a few creative drafts from our wonderful 5/6 students with some feedback from teachers and revisions from the students to give you more of a peek into the process. Students have been using the mentor text The Night They Stormed Eureka by Jackie French as well as their own experiences from Sovereign Hill to draft a historical fiction. We are very proud to showcase their developing creative writing skills.
Take care and stay safe!
Kind regards,
Darren Wallace