Well with Alice

Wellbeing ABC 

Wellbeing ABC

The N is for... Nature!


In a recent study it was found that spending at least 2 hours per week outside in nature significantly improves people's physical and mental wellbeing. Being outside can lower stress, improve one's mood and improve one's fitness. It does not matter if these 2 hours were done on the same day or spread out over the week.


So, this week your assignment is to go outside, soak up the sunshine, smell the flowers and dance in the rain! Have fun!


Chaplaincy Update

This week we started 2 art chaplaincy groups! The first activity was to make a 'wheel of emotions', which will be used in the following sessions to talk about how we are feeling before and after the sessions.

This is a great activity to think about the main emotions you feel and how they feel for you, so I have included an instruction video in case you would like to also try this at home. You only need basic supplies, so this is a great activity for anyone.



This year I have also led several social groups and, of course, had many, many one-on-ones with students and buttered many pieces of toast! It's been a big year so far with lots of great chats and progress! 


Thank you for having me as part of the school community and please reach out if you or your child needs any support!


Kind regards,

Ms. Alice Romijn

School Chaplain