Principal Report

Dear parents and carers,


As we enter the busy period of celebrating 2023 and starting to plan for 2024 I wanted to share a thank you for your input into helping with this. 


Firstly, thank you for the feedback shared regarding the school laptops. Some of the quick fixes have been applied. The bigger picture items will be planned and implemented in 2024.


Thank you to the families for sharing your thoughts on where you would like your child to be placed. This has closed now. The views shared will help create classes for 2024.


If you are planning on leaving us, and you have not shared your plans, please email or call the friendly office team.


Recently, we have asked for feedback on how the school day operates for your child(ren) after making some required changes this year. The survey covered the breaks in the day, the specialist day setup and the right time to eat for children. We had 103 responses which is amazing and will help shape what happen with our planning for next year. 


We have also surveyed children in grade 34 and 56, who we feel are best placed to remember the previous arrangements, as well as this year.


And finally, thank you to the parents that have volunteered to share input to a focus group on wellbeing. This is something we will be going to explore more deeply next year. Who doesn't want their child to thrive in life! 



On the 10th November we held a small assembly with a focus on the Remembrance Day, The Lilydale Art Show and Posi-Schools approach to wellbeing. 

The school captains hosted and Lachlan and Amber attended the memorial site in Lilydale to lay a card and a wreath. It was great to meet Jim, the President of the RSL, who was very happy to see our school had not forgotten.  Well done Lachlan, Amber and Elinor.

A huge number of children were recognised by the 'The Lilydale Art Show' committee for their posters. Noah Short has taken our first prize with his poster chosen to be used to advertise the event. Well done Noah and the rest of our talented students!

Reports - Learning Tasks 

Last Friday the final portfolio tasks went home with your child(ren). The tasks relate to Learning Tasks and the grades are available online for you to view. 

I would like to say thank you to teachers for their hard work this year on the new reporting approach. 

We will be accessing for your thoughts on the process in early December so we can continue to improve reporting moving into 2024. 

The final reports at the end of this term will have a student focussed comment regarding their learning this year. 


Play Equipment 

The old play equipment up on the hill was not fit for purpose and will be completely removed over the next fortnight. We will be replacing it with new equipment. This will be installed in Term 1 and will be aimed at the grade 4, 5, 6 students. We recently met with three companies and held a small focus group with the grade 5 and 6 students. The same requests were shared that we had last time. Bright, Challange and no touching the floor. The new equipment will take into account those views again.


Christmas Extravaganza 

This year we will be hosting a smaller production here at school. It will combine the usual end of year Christmas celebrations with a Christmas story created my Mrs. Oakley. We will be hosting under the shades in the new grassed area. We are looking forward to amazing weather and welcoming you all to the school on Tuesday 28th November. 


Wishing you all the best over the coming week.
