Performing Arts

As the term progresses, we said good luck to our Year 11 students as they undertake their exams over the coming week. Marian Choir United is busy preparing for the Year 12 Graduation Mass and the End of Year Mass for students in Years 7-9, and Play Ukelele are working on Christmas music.
Concert Band are also preparing music for Christmas, and have changed their rehearsal to a lunchtime so that current Year 7 Music students, who are learning a wind or brass instrument, can join in the fun. Together these ensembles will present a lunchtime concert of Christmas music for our Year 7 students - watch this space!
In the meantime, students in Drama Club are preparing two plays for their Showcase. This will take place on Tuesday 21 November from 7pm in our O'Neill Auditorium. Entrance is free of charge, and no bookings are required. All are welcome, and we'd love to see you there!
Creative Music lessons continue to run, with Sebastian's students each Tuesday, and Annie's each Thursday. If you are considering lessons this is a good time of year to commence, as students can have a few lessons and get started before the holidays, and then can practice over the break at their own pace. Enrolment forms can be obtained through any Music or Drama teacher, or the Performing Arts Office.
As always we appreciate the support of staff and families throughout the year. If you have any queries regarding the Showcases or Creative Music lessons please feel free to contact me at the College.
Mari Eleanor
Performing Arts Co-ordinator