Meet a Staff Member

10 minutes with….
Name: Wendy Smith
Title: Year 8 Coordinator
How long have you been at Marian: Been at Marian College for Years
1. Tell us a little about your life outside of teaching/working? Eg. Family, hobbies. Passions
Outside of school I enjoy everything food related. I love going out with my family and friends and trying different cuisines and dishes! To balance the eating I do, I like going outside and being active. Most days of the week, I am either coaching or playing hockey. This year I coached the Essendon Under 12s girls team to a semi-final and played in the Pennant A Women’s and Men’s hockey teams. An unhealthy hobby of mine, I must admit, is shopping… shopping in person, online shopping, I do way too much of that!
2. How did you end up teaching/ working at Marian College?
Ever since I was Year 9, I always knew I wanted to teach at Marian College. Being an ex-student, I had really wonderful experiences here, and a lot of the person I am today comes from what I learnt and experienced at Marian College as a student. A job opportunity for a Religion and Drama teacher came up in 2017 and I did not hesitate to apply.
3. What do you like most about teaching/working at Marian College?
I mainly teach Religion subjects, and what I really love is helping students learn and explore the beauty in all Religions. The best thing about working at Marian College is getting to know students outside of academics and bonding with them. Its also nice working alongside my old teachers.
4. What are the biggest challenges facing teachers today?
There isn’t enough time in the day!!!!!
5. What are the biggest challenges facing teenage girls today?
I think navigating all the different types of friendships and relationships. The most obvious factor being social media as it causes so many issues.
6. Favourite food & drink?
Food would be my mums Biriyani and drink would have to be water or a blue Powerade, and I guess if I am allowed to say … A nice glass of Riesling!
7. Favourite holiday destination?
I think everyone knows the answer to this question …. New York City!
8. Favourite TV show & Movie?
TV Show has to be Glee and movie is Mighty Ducks Two!
9. If you weren’t a teacher, what would you be?
A Broadway Performer
10. Which 5 people in history would you like to invite to a dinner party?
Alexander Hamilton
Mother Teresa
William Shakespeare
St John Paul II