Student Wellbeing

As we enter the second last month of the year we highlight to everyone the following important aspects of school life at Marian.
Exams begin and the expectations are…
With exams beginning this week for Year 11 and next week for our Years 9/10 can we remind everyone of the following expectations in relation to uniform.
- All students attending exams need to be in full summer uniform – either their summer dress or school pants and shirt
- NO PE uniform is to be worn to the exams
- Blazers need to be worn to and from school each day
- Facial Piercings are unacceptable
- All other aspects of grooming as per College expectations such as nails etc. need to be followed
Student with incorrect uniform will be unable to sit their exam. They will need to correct their uniform before they can sit the exam in question.
We thank all of our students and families for supporting this aspect of the exam process.
Leadership Retreat for Year 11’s – Planning for 2024
After the exam period, specifically on Thursday 16 and Friday 17 November, a number of our Year 11 students will attend our Leadership Retreat at Saltbush, Presentation Family Centre, Balnarring.
The Leadership Retreat involves all of those students who have submitted their leadership booklet and taken on a role for 2024 – including Lamp Bearer, Student Representative Council, Student Participation Group, House Captains and Social Justice leaders such as Marian Leo’s, Justice and Democracy Forum and Liturgy Captains.
The purpose of the camp has two main objectives:
- To develop a sense of team amongst the leaders for 2024
- To develop goals for 2024 that all of the student leaders in the school can work towards over the course of next year. These goals can start from day 1 – 2024.
We look forward in the next edition of the Marian of giving an overview of the work from the retreat and the goals for 2024 that we will work towards.
Leadership Process for other Year Levels
With the process for leaders in Year 12 next year well and truly organsied we now begin the process of election of our student leaders from Years 8 to 11 for 2024.
Over the next couple of weeks, students at these levels will have the opportunity to nominate themselves for either the Student Representative Council or a House Captain.
This process involves students indicating to their cohort what leadership qualities they believe they bring to the role and how they will carry that out in 2024. Students will than have the opportunity to vote for their leadership teams.
We look forward in the next edition of the Marian News of indicating who has been elected to these roles in 2024.
Completing 2023 for our student successfully..
The next couple of weeks will see all of our students from Years 7 – 10 trying to finish off all of their work expectations and assessments before they enter either exams or the STEP UP 2024 program that begins on November 20.
With this in mind, we know that many students will feel stressed and overwhelmed with the amount of work and assessments that they may have over the next couple of weeks.
This will require students to be organised and meet the expectations of each subject. If they have concerns then it is best that they speak to their teachers or Year Level Leader about the ways they can be supported to meet these expectations.
Problems will not go away if we just ignore them so we need to be proactive and work together.
If you have any concerns about any aspects of your child’s learning then please do not hesitate to contact her homeroom teacher or Year Level Leader to support you through this process.
In the meantime, monitor your child’s stress levels and if you are concerned about her wellbeing please make contact with the staff that are there to support you both.
Kerrie Williams
Assistant to the Principal – Student Wellbeing