Learning & Teaching

Examinations and Final Assessments
Our Unit 3/4 VCE students continue their final examinations this week and we wish them continued success.
For Year 11 students Semester 2 Examinations commenced this week on 8 November and continue until 15 November. We commend the students on the way that they have approached the examinations so far.
The Year 10 Examinations commence next Tuesday 14 November and Year 9s on Wednesday 15 November.
The timetable and other important information, including the Student Examination Protocols, are available on the SEQTA Examination Information Portal Page.
“Step Up 24”
The "Step Up 24 Program" runs from Monday 20 November to Friday 1 December and is for all Marian College students. This means that all students progress to the next year level and commence their 2024 learning programs on Monday, 20 November. They will also join their 2024 homeroom groups. Students should ensure that their resources are ordered ready for this program.
The aim is to align with the program for the senior students who have, for many years, commenced their next year's program at the end of the previous year. This should ensure that timetable clashes are avoided for teachers and that all students are able to finish the year productively, making a start on their 2024 learning programs. All students are expected to attend the "Step Up 24 Program".