English/ Languages 

Sue Keel-  English and Languages Learning Coordinator.

Book in a Day – Writing  and Judging Sessions


On the 10 August, Emma, Juan, Abel, Lynn, Michaela, Srishakthi, Zachary and I participated in Book in a Day, where we were invited to create a children’s book using characters, places and key words that other participating schools provided for us. We had from 9 am to 5 pm to complete the 6000 words, fully illustrated book.


Our group was split into two, half of us wrote the story while the other half illustrated it. As a team we had to plan, using the prompts we received and co-operate with each other to produce the book. We used skills that we acquired on the 20 July during the Book in a Day workshop as well as skills we learned from Art and English classes. 


With the support of Ms Keel and Ms Klajn, we were able to finish our book on time. Our book will be judged as will the other books from other SIS schools and a winner will be announced on the 12 October.


In all it was a great experience and it gave us all a chance to express ourselves through our writing and drawing styles. I encourage everyone to participate in next year's Book in a Day, regardless of whether you can write or draw.


Chloe Alvis.



Today, Ollie, Christa, Vethu, Sithika, Aryan and Isabel judged two of the novellas from other schools. They had to mark them against the following criteria:

1. How well they addressed the prompts?

2. Was there a consistent and easy to follow story line?

3. Were there appealing illustrations?

4. Were they grammatically correct?

5. How enjoyable were they?


This experience was fabulous. The books were very unique. The story lines were so elaborate and intriguing with very descriptive and exciting language and illustrations.