Faith and Mission

John Rhynehart- Director of Faith & Mission

 As we continue to prepare for step-up, the end of the year and the coming festivities of Advent and Christmas, it is good to pause and take stock of what the year has given to us.  A conversation at home about these matters is yet another way of expressing gratitude and a positive take on the 2023 Academic Year.


Next week a small group of students and ex-students, along with Ms Ash Fraraccio and myself will be embarking on our tenth visit to La Salle School in Pothum, Cambodia.        We are all very excited to be a part of this wonderful opportunity of mission work with one of our sister schools inspired by the Charism of the De La Salle Brothers.  Please keep us in our prayers.


The following letter is from the Superior General of the De La Salle Brothers, based in Rome, and I commend it to your careful reading and deep prayer. Many members of our College Community have family ties in Palestine and Israel and, as Christians, we are called to the place of peace – for all who are embroiled in the conflict, we continue to pray for their safety.



Joining the call for a ceasefire and an end to the violence

in the ongoing conflict in Palestine and Israel



In the name of the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools and its global Lasallian Family, Brother Armin A Luistro, FSC, and his General Council, join the many calls that have already been made by our Holy Father, Pope Francis, religious leaders, faith-based groups, humanitarian organisations and all those calling for an immediate ceasefire in the current conflict in Gaza.  We unite our voices with those calling for halting the ongoing aggression to guarantee humanitarian aid and freedom for hostages.


Let it be clear that we strongly condemn terrorism and all acts of violence.  

This most recent conflict began with violent terrorism leading to aggressive retaliation and many innocent lives lost.  In the words of Cardinal Tobin (Newark, USA), “Peace has once again been shattered in the land that is considered to be holy ground by Judaism, Christianity and Islam.  God’s children are once again at war with one another, making their common hope for peace seem unattainable” (3/11/23).  As Christians, let us commit ourselves to non-violent measures towards peace and justice asserting violence does not justify violence!


The Lasallian Catholic educational mission’s commitment to “the human and Chrisitan education of the young” makes us especially aware of the many lives of children lost.  This pains us greatly.  The tragedy that continues to unfold is the result of a failure to recognise that each is made in the image and likeness of God.  It is to choose the cycle of violence.  Enough is enough!


Our presence in the Holy Land also makes us especially aware of the pain inflicted on the many Palestinian people who have been treated unjustly and weaponized.  We lift up the “cry of the poor,” and the many innocent lives lost across ethnic and religious backgrounds.  We urge mercy, this is not the way!


Today, we find hope in the many other places where our mission is present that witness the way of peace, harmony and reconciliation.


Today, we pray for the conversion of hearts so that rue efforts of peace and justice are possible.


Today, we stand with those who suffer and beg for the light of day to come once again.


Rome, 10 November 2023.