Primary Sub School Stars of the Week

Room 1

  • Esa- for his participation and for enjoying the activities for the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program (SAKGP).
  • Kevin- for improvement in his reading skills and using sentences when asking/requesting for items.  


Room 2

  • Riyansha travelling well on the bus


Room 3

  • Vaiga has demonstrated she can join in counting with the class.
  • Scarlett has demonstrated she can join in counting with the class.

Room 4

  • Mabior has been making great choices, by playing friendly with his peers. Also, he has been creating amazing drawings. Well done, Mabior. What a star you are Mabior! Keep up the great work!
  •  Emjay has started to unpack his bag and place his bag away independently. Well done, Emjay. What a star you are Emjay! Keep up the great work!


Room 5

  • Saven for always being enthusiastic and helpful in the classroom and doing a great job at asking his peers if he can play with them.
  • Putin for always trying his best in English and Math and looking after his peers on the playground.


Room 6

  • Ali has demonstrated great leader skills looking after others, himself, being kind and always including others.


Room 7

  •  Decon Belot - most cheerful
  •  Ashwath Dinesh – for recognising all of his classroom members on his Proloquo2Go activity

Room 8

  • Aidan for helping backstage for the primary concert
  • Tarkyn for working through his mini-schedule                                         


Room 9 

  • The stars of the week for Room 9 are Tej, Laith and Zane for doing an excellent job helping backstage with production, greeting parents and collecting classes.