Student learning around KPS

Junior Aths day


Grades 1&2

In Grades 1 and 2 we have been learning about Poetry. Look at these wonderful shape poems! We have a dinosaur, the sun, a fire, a cat and another dinosaur.


Grade 6


Year 6 students have been studying the process of collecting and analysing data, presenting it on graphs that they believe appropriate for the information collected – ie. If collecting within a certain number of classmates, for example, they could use a pie graph as it represents how many/percentages of a whole group or collection of data, however, data over time, or limited variables could be interpreted easier within line, bar, or dot graphs. They enjoyed surveying each other, collating the data, representing it in the chosen graphs using Google Sheets (Excel), and making conclusions based on their findings.

The Grade 6 students have been working on using text in art. After exploring ways of writing their own name in “graffiti” style, they built a tiny fence with large popsticks. The talented kids learned about adding shadows and highlights and coloured their work with a combination of water-based paints and paint pens to create these fun pieces. To finish off, a base was made from polystyrene that was painted and decorated to add realism.


We are always in need of household items to use for dispensing materials in the Art Room. We would appreciate it if you could save and wash containers such as margarine, yoghurt and ice cream as well as plastic trays. Please send these along to the school. 


LOTE Learning

Our Semester Two Tomodachi Project has been in full swing over the last eight weeks with our current year six members; Siara, Holly, Harrison, Patrick, Belinda, Conor and Owen doing an outstanding job of building new friendships with our Lilyvale sister school students!

We held our first meeting back in early October and our students did a fabulous job of introducing themselves in Japanese. They then listened to the Lilyvale students do the same in English. There is sometimes background noise, slight time delays and/or IT challenges to navigate as well as finding the confidence to speak in Japanese or indeed English to our new friends at Lilyvale. It can be quite daunting, and I am incredibly proud of this group of students who have made every effort to give it their all these last two terms. They have certainly represented Kalinda Primary School beautifully.  


                                              From L to R: Rina, Sayano, Aoi, Shiori and Rui

                                 From L to R: Belinda, Siara, Holly, Harrison, Patrick, Conor and Owen


As well as sharing information about their favourite hobbies, their families and their homes, the online school tour week was a highlight for us! Lilyvale Primary School is a fairly new private school in Japan with lovely facilities and some of our students thought it looked very fancy with a cafeteria, uniform and stationary shops and even a main street. Lilyvale students loved meeting one of our school dogs, Roxy, and also enjoyed viewing the school’s grounds and the library and the Japanese garden. 


As we near the end of the program I want to say a big thank you to our Semester two  Tomodachi club members who have impressed me so much each week with their enthusiasm, friendliness and generosity in sharing their lives with each other and our counterparts at Lilyvale. Shortly our students will begin writing their first letters to their new penpals in what we hope will be the forging of lasting friendships into the future.


Finally a big Congratulations to all our Tomodachi Project members this year and a huge thank you to their families who have also supported this program by helping provide wonderful photos to enhance our presentations each week.

Omedetoo gozaimasu!

Arigatoo gozaimasu – Thank you