Kalinda Sustainablity
Kalinda Sustainability Report
A note from our Sustainability Leaders…
A few weeks ago the Wildlife Warriors and Sustainability Leaders conducted a biodiversity audit of Kalinda. A biodiversity audit is when we walk around the school to count different trees, identify plant species, find native wildlife and see how bio-diverse Kalinda is.
We were very lucky to work with representatives from Resource Smart Schools and Eastern Alliance for Sustainable Learning who helped us with our audit. We did this because we want our school to be as sustainable as possible for our plants, animals and us.
Our score was 52 which is around average. Something interesting we learnt is that we have a large number of rocks and logs which lots of different types of animals could call home.
A few things students can do to help the school be eco-friendly and sustainable are to help pick up rubbish around the school, put your rubbish in the bin and even using reusable lunch box containers instead of plastic bags. Also, we should be careful when we are running on garden paths to make sure to keep the plants and animals safe!
Giulia Bulled
Sustainability Leader